1. Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara $24 v L'Oreal Paris Voluminous Lash Paradise Mascara $6.91 | The Odyssey Online
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Name Brand & Drugstore Makeup Duplicates That Will Save You Lots Of Money

Makeup prices rack up, so don't stretch yourself to buy the name brand stuff and buy the duplicate of your favorite brands instead.


As a broke college student who has tried to stretch herself by buying the name brand makeup, take it from me to not go down that road. It's just not worth it. The name brand will be listed first followed by the drugstore brand so that you know the difference. You will be shocked at how much you will save while getting the same quality.

1. Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara $24 v L'Oreal Paris Voluminous Lash Paradise Mascara $6.91

The two's packaging even look the same. L'Oreal's mascara has been said to be identical to the Too Faced complement. Also, did I mention that you would only be spending a third of the price?

Buy it on Amazon.

2. Tarte Color Correcting Palette $45 v. NYX Color Correcting Palette $6.69

The creamy consistency of the NYX palette in my opinion makes it stick better and cover better. The purpose of color correcting palettes are to act as a color that cancels out certain tones of the skin that need to be corrected. It acts as a concealer before foundation is put on over it.

Buy it on Amazon.

3. Too Faced Born This Way Foundation $39 v. Revlon PhotoReady Airbrush Effect Foundation $5.60

I was not impressed with the Too Faced foundation. It did not last any longer, or give me any better coverage than the Revlon duplicate. I will say that the two don't help with oily skin so don't use these if that is your case. If these foundations would work for you, then save yourself some money by choosing Revlon's version.

Buy it on Amazon.

4. Urban Decay Primer Potion $13-24 v. Wet n Wild Face Primer

I have a big problem with eye primers because they do not serve any different purpose than any kind of primer does. I use the same primer for my face and eyes. Spending extra money for an extra product that you don't need is silly. Concealer can even work for primer for eyes. Don't let makeup companies fool you!

Buy it on Amazon.

5. Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade $18 v. NYX Brow Pomade $5.35

I currently own the Anastasia dipbrow and I will be honest, it has lasted forever. However, the NYX pomade has a very similar consistency and obviously costs half the price.

Buy it on Amazon.

6. Kylie Jenner Lip Kip $29 v. Colorpop Liquid Lipstick $11.18

These two have been said to have the same formula and have some of the same colors in the collection. The only difference is one is sold by Kylie Jenner, the lip queen.

Buy it on Amazon.

7. Benefit Porefessional Primer $12-31 v. NYX Pore Filler $7.21

For me personally, the Benefit primer did not help reduce the appearance of my pores much of all. I didn't want to give you a direct duplicate for this one because I don't even think it is a good product to even duplicate. I just use a drugstore version currently and I love it. I think it really helps my pores look smaller and gives me more of an airbrushed look.

Buy it on Amazon.

8. Urban Decay Naked Eyeshadow Palette 1,2, and 3 $54 Each v. Coastal Scents Revealed Palettes $19.93

The Naked palettes each have 12 shades of one color scheme while the Revealed palette has 20 shades of an arrange of the shades from all three of the Naked palettes. Each palette also has both matte and shimmery shades.

Buy it on Amazon.

9. NARS Blush in Orgasm $39 v. Milani Baked Blush in Dolce Pink $6.89

The Milani version of this blush is said to have the same shade as the NARS style. The baby pink hues are very similar between the two.

Buy it on Amazon.

10. Becca Gradient Sunlit Bronzer $38 v. Revolution Vivid Baked Bronzer $18.70

The two have a shimmery golden bronze tone to them that give you a nice color while also giving you that goddess look. In my opinion, the two are way too similar to tell the difference so there isn't a point in using the name brand kind.

Buy it on Amazon.

How you spend your money is your business, but don't buy things just because you think they are better because they are name brand. If you don't care what kind it is, choose the cheaper version because you will get more bang for your buck. I am all about poppin' out on my makeup, but I can't break my bank in the process.

Please note that prices are accurate and items in stock as of the time of publication. As an Amazon Associate, Odyssey may earn a portion of qualifying sales.

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