"If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world"
-Elaine S. Dalton
When I began the eighth grade my dad mentioned an opportunity for me to help out in the Special Needs room, five days a week for 17 minutes. At first I was very nervous because I didn't know how my skills would help the students. Everyday for two weeks I would watch the teacher, Mr. Finazzo, work with his students in many ways that I didn't know existed. I knew people who were nonverbal, used sign language and looked at pictures and pointed to the objects to complete their needs. As this experience came to an end I was so inspired by Mr. Finazzo's work I knew this was something I was going to pursue when I went off to high school. Realizing this was something I loved and seeing the students smile was a goal I wanted to achieve.
During the summer of my junior year I had the opportunity to work in a program with Joe Finazzo, called Extended School Year (ESY) with special needs students from the ages of 12-26. During ESY the students learned the "Five Senses of Summer." These were the basic sight, hear, smell, taste and see senses. These were among their goals for the summer.
When I became a senior, I happened to get an independent study with a supervising teacher, Ms. Rotole. Helping these students made me realize that you have to love your job as Ms. Rotole does. She's dedicated, hard working, kind hearted and words can't express all the love she has for her students. As I observed her attitude towards her students, she made me realize forming a bond with the students appeared to be a key for success in Special Education.
With this independent study, I developed a bond with many of the students and felt such a positive connection with all of them. Helping them with their social skills assisted them in reaching their individual goals. When they met a particular goal, I felt instrumental in their success.
One particular student formed a bond with me and I accompanied him to the senior prom. We remain good friends today. Whenever I get the chance to visit he gives me a big smile and always brings up the memories we shared at prom together.
The positive influences of Mr. Finazzo and Ms. Rotole have inspired me to become a Special Education teacher at the Middle School or High School level. Having a job where I smile and want to come to work everyday with a positive outlook and surrounded by wonderful people would be a dream come true.
Here's to you Mr. Finazzo and Ms. Rotole, I cannot thank you enough. What they taught me I will never forget.