Take the few days you have left in your school break to start embarking on your goals. During this less stressful time, you can start decluttering, setting up your planner or writing down your goals. Make your resolution worthwhile this year!
1. DeclutterÂ
Most of us have busy schedules and may overlook the importance of decluttering. It's one more thing to do and if you're able to get by without doing it, why bother? But in reality, it can have a big impact on your ability to focus and accomplish your goals.
Working in a cluttered space can not only make it harder for you to find things but it can also affect your performance by cluttering your mind. I found it to be distracting to work in an environment that is disorganized, even when I'm just sitting there to write. Scientists have found that cluttered environments have negative effects on our ability to focus, in addition to being stressful. There are additional positive effects of decluttering, like improving your mood, according to this article — which also provides additional tips on decluttering.
2. Use a plannerÂ
As we work toward starting our careers, time management is a necessary skill to have, especially in the fast-paced environment we live in. For me, this was a big hurdle to overcome. I'm sure everyone would like to make the most of their time, but we often find ourselves chasing after our goals and unable to complete them. Disorganization can make the difference from being able to accomplish your goals or stressing over your inability to do them. For those of you who have struggled with this, give it a trial period where you take it seriously for a week and see if you find yourself able to accomplish more than usual. But be honest with yourself about your abilities. Do not over-schedule yourself. It might take a little practice and discipline to accomplish, but it's worth the effort. If you don't think it's that important, here is a psychologist's take on the issue. After reading that article, I decided to make this my new year's resolution!
3. Set goalsÂ
Setting goals goes hand in hand with planning, but they are different things. Planning is a daily activity but setting goals is more long term.
You should create three sets of goals: short term, mid-term and long term.
The short term would be things you want to accomplish immediately or within a week or month. This can be anything from finishing assignments to washing your car etc.
The mid-term goals are things you want to accomplish within a few months or a year, and long term goals are where you want to see yourself in a few years — your dream job or what you want to accomplish with your career, for example.
Having these things planned out helps you make the right decisions and figure out if you are on the right track. Many people have trouble deciding what major they want, and some of them would benefit from thinking about long term goals. Planning out your goals in this way can also help you stay focused. Give it a try, you won't lose anything if you do.
4. Eat healthilyÂ
This may be easier said than done, but it is really important. With our busy lives and the easy access to cheaper junk foods, it is difficult to eat healthily, but if you put your mind to it you can eat healthier without breaking the bank.
A recent study found that eating unhealthy caused more deaths worldwide than smoking! Surprisingly, the study found that the greatest risk factor for people in the U.S. was a lack of whole grains in our diet. If you incorporate at least one serving of fresh fruits and whole grains in your diet, you will be healthier. Eating nutritiously is important for your mental function. Studies have shown that eating a poor diet can have a direct effect on your brain causing mood disorders and depression. This can make it more difficult for you to concentrate, affecting your learning abilities. Here's a list of cheap healthy foods to help you get started.
5. Increase your activity level
There are lots of things at our disposal that can help you achieve this goal. I personally think that walking or biking outdoors is better than going on a treadmill or an exercise bike at the gym. Of course, there are many other activities you could do at the gym. But if you're on a budget, that's the way to go. Being more active is beneficial to your health, which is important for your entire well-being. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself, try making it a fun activity and not a chore. Exercise with a friend or play a sport you like. You could even make it a goal to learn a new sport if you aren't good at a particular one. Another helpful thing is to download a pedometer, step counting app, on your phone for free. It can help you track how many steps you took and you can set daily goals. The app is a good way to challenge and motivate you to accomplish your activity goals. Use the tools you have to help you become more active.