How To Make An A On Your Finals | The Odyssey Online
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How To Make An A On Your Finals

Your finals survival guide is here.

How To Make An A On Your Finals

Well, it’s the event of the semester. No, I am not talking about the next Mumford and Son’s concert, your next sorority formal or even placement night for Young Life. I am talking about final exams. Everyone will drink way too much coffee, shed a few tears and regret playing too much Doodle Jump during class. But most of all, we will thank the Lord that we do not have to take engineering courses.

Most of us will not reach our full potential due to procrastination. Odds are, you are procrastinating right now by reading this article. But hey, no worries, friend! I got yo back. Your finals survival guide is right here.

If you know me at all, I am one of the most unorganized people you will ever meet. Even my brain is unorganized. It’s like someone dumped out a filing cabinet inside my head. You look at my backpack and it is like papers galore. I loose my keys about three times, on a good day. (I know, pray for me.) This has also made school a little tricky.

When I got to my school, Texas A&M, they put me in a study skills class. I hated every second of it. I thought I would never use anything they taught me, and now, here I sit, writing an article about it. The point is I learned how to manage my unorganization, and I can not wait to share my secrets with you! I hope this makes your finals week go a little easier.

1. Always study five days before.

It seems crazy, I know. Take out your syllabus and look at what all you should know for your next test. Then take out a piece of paper and divide it into five days. Study the hardest chapters first. Every day you should also be reviewing what you learned the day before. However, when you do this.

2. Do not just re-read your notes.

Especially if you have ADHD. The best way to study is to keep your mind active. Writing practice test questions as your read your notes is awesome. Making a Quizlet as you go over your notes is great. Reading your notes out loud or even acting them out — whatever works! Just do not sit there and read your notes over and over.

3. Speaking of notes.

Never just trust your own. Meet friends in your class and compare! Also, if you loose everything like me, a friend to send you notes is super helpful.

4. How you are guaranteed to get an A.

This one is hard to do, but if you commit to it, it guarantees you a good grade in the class. Make a study chart where you consistently make time for every class. Here is the rule: for every hour you’re in class, spend two studying for it. Mine looks a little like this.

9 a.m.: class

10 a.m.: food

11 a.m.: Study for math


(Pro Tip: I also put what time I read my Bible every day, it really helps having consistent time with the Lord )

I know what you’re thinking. I’m not a planner, this would never work for me. Guess what? I’m not either. I’m the most spontaneous person you will ever meet. If you asked me to drive to Tennessee or anywhere else right now, and I did not have a test tomorrow, I would do it . Here’s the thing: The most spontaneous people you ever meet, should always be the most prepared. I study in advance, so, when adventurous come up, I can go! Also, a piece of paper does not rule my life. If my friends want to go get lunch while I should be doing my math homework, I go! This piece of paper just lets me know I need to study for that class an hour later on that night. It helps organize my very unorganized mind.

5. Keep a planner.

Write down all your tests that month. You should never be surprised you have a test next week

6. Have a study group, but always study beforehand.

It is said that teaching people helps you learn information the best. It’s like taking a practice test, and the best part is you don’t even have to make it. So, when you show up to study group, you should somewhat know the material. You want to be the one teaching your friends, not the other way around.

7. Make studying fun.

If I have something I hate doing, I add something fun to it. My favorite is eating air head extremes while I study. Music helps, too, or anything you find intriguing that's not too distracting.

“It’s too late for all of this. My exam is tomorrow”

8. Well my friend, then “Work smarter, not harder”

(Not the best grammar, I know. But catchy!)

If it is too late to apply any of this, don’t worry — remember this rule. Work smarter, not harder. My coach used to tell us this. It is probably the most valuable thing I've learned from sports. I have had tests I study hours for and made terrible grades on. Then I have tests I study 20 minutes for and make an A. Always work smarter not harder! It is not about how long you study, it’s about how well you study. The first thing you should do is make a list and set goals. For example if you have a math test tomorrow, your first goal could be to do ten problems. Tackle one thing at a time. But most of all, just believe in yourself! Tell yourself you can do it, and you will!

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