9 Finishing Touches To Make Your Dorm Feel Less Like A Jail Cell | The Odyssey Online
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9 Finishing Touches To Make Your Dorm Feel Less Like A Jail Cell

You deserve the ultimate retreat.

9 Finishing Touches To Make Your Dorm Feel Less Like A Jail Cell

College is the most stressful time of life for some people. You’re discovering what you want to be, who you want to be, and what your standards are for life. With all of these changes, you need a retreat space. You need a space that feels like home. Here are a few things that will help you nest in your new dorm or apartment this semester:

1. A Theme

Having a theme or color scheme not only reflects your personality and interests but gives you creative control over the decor in your space. It narrows your search for decorations and room essentials, making shopping much easier. Plus, it’s always fun to find little treasures throughout your college journey that reflects the theme of your room. It’s like one big collection!

2. Throw Pillow

From witty phrases to art canvassed across the front and back, throw pillows are the perfect way to add a personal touch to your room. You can find them at any retailer that sells home decor, as well as on Amazon for reasonable prices. One of the best places to look is on Etsy, where you can add personal touches such as monograms or custom design.

3. A Tapestry

Since students often can’t paint their walls, tapestries are an inexpensive solution to getting rid of the white walls that resemble a jail cell. You can find them inexpensively on Amazon, and the variety of designs is endless. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, you can always create your own with some paints and a white sheet. They usually take 2-3 command hooks to hang and leave no damage to the walls if used correctly.

4. Wallflowers

Every home has a unique scent. Give your room a signature scent, or even a different one for every season with wallflowers or plug-ins. Since most dorms and apartments don’t allow students to have candles, this is an inexpensive option for freshening up your space. Wallflowers cost an average of four dollars for the scent and less than ten dollars for the plug-in at Bath & Body Works. Similar items can be purchased at Walmart or Target from brands like Febreze and Glade.

5. Creative Lighting

The fluorescent lighting seen in most student housing is just plain awful. Mix it up with alternate lighting such as Christmas lights, dimmed lamps, or electric candles. These items will make your space feel more “homey”

6. Bluetooth Speakers

Get in the groove. Set a playlist for everything from homework to a weekend get-together with friends. Bluetooth speakers can be purchased by a variety of brands from Amazon, or at your local Walmart or Target.

7. Rugs

Whether it’s boring cream-colored tile or a dark rug, spice things up with a mini rug to add your own personal touch to the floors. Target is a great source for doormat-sized rugs that will fit almost any theme. For bigger center rugs, Ikea is a great spot. They come in all shapes and sizes, and you’re sure to find something to fit your color scheme.

8. Flowers/Plants

Even if you’re not responsible enough to water and care for real plants, fake ones are in abundance everywhere. Adding greenery gives your room a natural touch of serenity. False plants can be found at Target, Ikea, and many other retailers.

9. A Whiteboard or Chalkboard

Make it personal. A whiteboard or chalkboard can serve as a creative guest book, calendar, or drawing board. Use it to plan out your day, your meals, or draw out your favorite memories. These can be picked up everywhere from the Dollar Store to Target, Walmart, and Amazon.

It’s going to be your space for 6-12 months, so make it feel like home. In college, your life is going to have so many moving parts. Friends will come and go, relationships will start and stop, and you need a constant. You’ll be thankful later that you gave yourself the ultimate safe space.

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