In life we are constantly around other people. This is a good thing, and being around other positive people is great, but sometimes we need something else.
How seldom do we get to spend time by ourselves in prayer. We do not get to spend very much alone time with God, and this can wear us down over time. You need your alone time to recharge and to be in focused prayer. Doing this helps keep you grounded closer to God. Even Jesus took the time to get way from his followers so he could be alone with the Father.
For most of us, our daily routine offers us little time to be alone. People are always around when you are at work or school, when you run errands, and even when you're at your home. We have to make sure that we carve time out of our day to spend alone time in prayer. Now this does not have to be everyday, but we should definitely make time for it in the week and look forward to it.
It also helps us recharge and keep us closer to God. When you spend too much time in the world it can drain you. It will wear you down and work its way into your mind and make you wander. Making time to be alone will help you stay in the right mindset and keep you focused. And since you can't always be at worship with your brothers and sisters it will keep you recharged.
Jesus was the Son of God and the ultimate example set for us to follow. Even He made sure to get away by Himself. It says in Luke 5:16, "But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray." Then again in Matthew 14:23, "After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountain side to pray. When evening came, he was there alone."
Throughout the week, find times that you can get alone with God and pray. This world will wear you down fast and you need to reach out to God for his help. It will keep you grounded and it will keep you focused. After all, you can't make it on your own!