How does one even make it through finals week sanely? Well, in my experience, I haven’t been sane the week of finals, ever. Stress. Last minute assignments. Papers. Exams. Discussion boards. HELP.
The one thing I have learned from college is that cramming does not work. My first semester I did the usual study the night before, and I learned my lesson. This semester for midterms I actually started studying a week before, and what do ya know, I passed my midterms with a grade I can accept instead of cry about. Although, studying isn’t the only thing that helped me pass my exams; getting my sleep and eating an actual meal did too. Here are some other things I always do that might help you too.
Planning. Know when you have an exam, make a list of what’s on it and know about when you need to start studying.
Sleeping. Seriously guys, all-nighters? I honestly don’t know how people do this. Like how can you function off of no sleep? I can't even function right without sleep.
Eating. I've noticed college kids eat a lot of junk food and McDonald's. Neither are healthy and how is McDonald's even considered food? Ew. Buy a carton of eggs, and cook them. You are in college and you should know by now that you can't live off of junk food and fast food forever.
Library. The library is not there for no reason. Part of your tuition goes towards it anyways, so go to it. Get away from your dorm or apartment and your bed, and go to the library. Find a room where you can focus and get something done. All you'll do later is complain about how you wished you would've gone to study, so do it so you won't regret it.
Now here's a few studying tips too.
Re-write everything. If you write something seven times and actually try to remember what you're writing, you might actually be able to remember it. Oh, and write it where you can read it. Nobody wants to study ugly written notes.
Say it aloud. I guess seven is a good number because I have always been told saying it seven times will help jog your memory too. It's worth a try for a higher grade.
Read. Read the dang book. Professors don't say read this or that chapter for no reason. There could be information in that book that you didn't get from the fancy power point.
Memorizing. One thing I learned is that memorizing things that I think are important actually help me out. I memorized my notes of three chapters for a test and I was four points away from a perfect score, so yeah. Memorizing has its upsides. The downside is that it takes time, not just one night before the test.
STOP PROCRASTINATING. That speaks for itself.
You're paying for your education, get your money's worth of it. C's might degree's, but I'd rather be on the Dean's list than be average.
Good luck on finals.