The new year came filling us all with hopes and expectations for what 2019 had in store, but now that we are over a month in, all that motivation has seem to fly out the window. A month can bring a lot into our lives. It can fill us with excitement or it can bring us down, but either way it is still bringing new into your life every day. There will be ups and downs but only you can decide how each obstacle changes you.
Even if we are only a month in and you cannot wait for this year to be over, know you are not alone but also simply do your best to make the most of it.
We tend to use motivation as our deciding factor to do simple tasks- Do I really feel like going to the gym? Do I want to make dinner when I can just order pizza? Should I really be doing work when I could binge-watch this show instead? The goals we set for ourselves are achievable and in the big picture should be functions we are so thankful to be capable of each day, but with lack of motivation feel impossible.
Something I have learned since 2019 has begun is if you sit around waiting for motivation, you will never get done what you want. Motivation starts when you do. That does not mean you will be motivated 24/7 but by pushing yourself 90% of the time, people will come into your life that will be your motivation the other 10%.
On top of everything, there will be setbacks. Whether your days feel great or terrible, make sure you are constantly bringing new into your world. Be a smile for someone else on your bad day, go outside of your comfort zone, listen to someone who needs it. Make 2019 the year where you did not let what life threw at you define you. Make every day what you want it to be, not what life gives you.
So whatever your goal may be you have to push yourself to work towards it right from the start no matter how much you do not want to do it. Starting is the hard but there always be hard times. All that should matter is we are all in this together.