Here we are, already, the middle of summer break. We are now nearing a time where school is yet again being anticipated. Whether you're dreading it or looking forward to it, the summer is almost over. These long summer days will turn into nights filled with English papers and studying notes until you can't see straight.
You might be entering your first year of college or finishing up your high school years, no matter the level of school you're going into this is another summer going by too fast. Have you done everything you wanted? Have you even started? If you haven't, you better get a move. You're never going to get this summer back, sure there will be others, but you won't get this specific summer back.
Summer can be full of memories, love, and heartbreak and it's up to you how everything unfolds. Don't let this summer continue to go by without doing what you want and making memories that could last a lifetime.
Go hang out with your friends, tell the person you like that you have feelings for them, do something with your family, finish the book or song that you've been writing, do something you're afraid to do, get rid of the toxic people in your life, go to that concert, do something that makes your heart beat out of your chest, and make memories that you will never forget.