As a college student, we tend to live on a budget. In order for us to have money for food, gas, and extracurricular activities, you have to cut corners somewhere. For me, I like to cut corners by doing meal prep or casseroles. Here is a quick and easy recipe on how to bake a quiche. (Quiche are breakfast pies)
Step 1: Grocery Shopping
Find the nearest and cheapest grocery store because you also want to save money and gas. Purchase the meat (sausage or REAL bacon bits), eggs, frozen onion mix, and the pie crust.
Step 2: You have to cook the sausage
Make sure you brown your meat thoroughly. Also preheat the oven to 350.
Step 3: Crack 6 Eggs
Crack six eggs and scramble them well.Step 4: Add the onions etc.
This is the stage where you add onions , cheese, and the meat.Step 5: Pie Crust Time
Use your inexpensive pie crust to pour all the ingredients in.
Step 6: More Cheese
Add more cheese to the top so it is thoroughly cheesey. The place in the oven for about 35 minutes.Step 7: Finished Product
Here is the finished product. Now all you have to do is cut it and let it cool enough to eat.