Ah, college. It is truly a world of ups and downs, failures and triumphs. On a day-to-day basis, college students focus on the chaos, but there is definitely a silver lining we all forget to acknowledge. Here are nine things that can always brighten a college kid's day:
1. Snow days
(Sure, they only come around every so often, but they’re still AWESOME.)
2. Free food
Any excuse for regaining the freshman 15, right? Yum!
3. Free coffee
As if we needed any more caffeine…
Spoiler alert. We do.
4. ‘Darty weather’
A sunny, 60-degree Saturday in early March? We’ll take it over any day spent inside.
5. Extended homework assignments
Are you telling me that I have 2 more days to complete an assignment that will take me an hour tops to do?!?
6. Canceled classes
A canceled 8 a.m. lab = two extra hours of quality sleep...
Or Netflix binging.
7. Extended breaks
Spring break FTW! Yeah!!!!
8. Care packages
Candy, gift cards, new school supplies -- you know the deal!
9. Finding loose change
An extra $3 can go a long way. Yes, it's true.
At the end of the day, nearly anything can put a smile on a college student's face. Go ahead, give them a $2 slice on the house, and rejoice in the little things!