After a couple months of grueling work, Spring Break is a much-needed escape from school stress. The last few weeks before Spring Break seem to drag, making it difficult to stay motivated. Before you give up, here are some helpful tips to get you through the mid-semester blues:
1. Give yourself pre-Spring Break breaks. You’re not perfect.
Although you probably have a lot on your plate at the moment, it’s important to give your brain a break. If you’re anything like me, you’ll feel guilty any time you’re not being productive. But you have to slow down and realize that a 20-minute break is not the end of the world. Actually, it might even make you more productive. If you overwork yourself, you’ll become less efficient. Giving yourself a break gives you time to re-energize and get back on track.
2. Plan something fun over break to look forward to.
Whether this means taking a day trip somewhere with your closest friends, or going to see a movie with family, make sure you have at least one fun thing planned for break. This will give you something to look forward to in your lowest moments. When you’re feeling completely overwhelmed, having an end in mind will help you maintain your work ethic. Plus, you definitely deserve to have a little fun after getting through half a semester’s worth of work.
3. Remind yourself that time goes by really quickly. Don’t spend too much time wishing the time away.
While it’s totally normal to want a break once in a while, remember that high school and college will be over before you know it. Although you may be stressed out from a ton of tests, assignments and projects, cherish the things you are learning and the experiences you are having. Before you know it, you’ll be graduating and wishing you could go back.
4. Listen to your favorite songs and eat some chocolate.
Let yourself indulge a little bit. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Sometimes you have to go easy on yourself. Spend some time listening to some songs you really love, and let yourself have a little snack to lift your spirits. This can reinvigorate you and boost your mood.
5. You may be sleep-deprived now, but think of all the sleep you’ll catch up on.
The weeks before Spring Break probably consist of lots of late nights and early mornings. Extra schoolwork and less sleep is an exhausting combination. At this point in the semester, you’re probably just running through the motions. Just remember that you’ll have the opportunity to catch up on lost sleep in the near future. Think of all the nights you can go to bed early without the pressure of next-day homework, and all the mornings you can sleep past 7 a.m. Soon, you’ll be feeling like yourself again.
6. Keep a countdown.
If you’re feeling really desperate for Spring Break, make yourself a countdown. Keep track of how many days you have until break starts. Seeing this everyday will make you feel like you’re making progress, providing you with some necessary encouragement. Knowing that you’re getting closer to break will keep you going and stop you from having a breakdown.
7. Stay organized by writing down all of your assignments.
In a planner or on a piece of paper, keep track of the assignments and exams you have before Spring Break. By doing this, you’ll be on top of your responsibilities and ready for everything that comes your way. Plus, you’ll get the satisfaction of crossing off tasks as you complete them. It’ll make you feel like you’re actually accomplishing things, and it’ll allow you to effectively move on to your next objective.
8. Vent to your friends.
Your friends are there for you. If you’re feeling super stressed, let your emotions out. Keeping your anxieties inside will only make them worse. Talking to your friends about everything going on can make you feel a sense of relief. Make sure you find time to socialize – you deserve it and you need it.