The high school years were kinda weird. Some people loved them, some hated them, and for some people, they couldn't have cared less and were just trying to make it to college. However, you can't deny that everyone has a lasting impression of high school. So here are nine ways to make sure that you're last feelings of high school are good ones.
1. Go to sporting events
Whether that is football, baseball, basketball, just grab some friends and make the most of your time at the games!
2. Sit in the student section
Going off of the first item on this list, sit in the student section at the games! Especially football! They're a lot more fun when you're standing in the front row against the rail with tons of your classmates than when you are in the back row of the stadium bleachers.
3. Take pictures!
You'll wish you had these times back so take a picture of the moment to keep the memory alive!
4. Go to prom
Don't be one of those kids that skip out on prom because they think it's "not cool". Go to every prom you can! You will regret it if you don't!
5. Actually try to do well in school
Trust me, it will be worth it, especially when you're in college on multiple scholarships looking back on the kids who didn't try at all in school and aren't doing anything now.
6. Create friendships with some of your teachers
It will come in handy in the long run! Especially when you need recommendation letters for scholarships or things along those lines.
7. Enjoy the "in school only" friendships
You know, the people you never talk to except at school? Yeah, your more than likely to never hang out with them after graduation so enjoy this time while you still have it!
8. Enjoy the out of school friendships too
In most cases, you and all of your best friends don't end up going to the same college after high school so cherish this time with your best friends while they are still around!
9. Spend time with your family
Even if you are staying in your home town but especially if you plan on moving away for college your family is going to miss seeing you less frequently!