Some things are never easy, like trying to find the correct words to say or even coming up with an article topic that not only speaks to yourself, but gets a new message portrayed to all your readers. Lately I've had my head in the clouds; I guess I would say I've been day dreaming. Dreaming of my future, dreaming of what I want to do with my life, dreaming about what is yet to come and what I need to do in order to make it come. Dreams can be very powerful, but whether or not we choose to follow them can show how powerful those dreams truly are. I never dreamed of writing for a company such as Odyssey, but today it almost seems like a dream come true. Maybe it was like a hidden dream or passion I never really thought about until I was given the opportunity to fulfill that dream. I never dreamed about the people who would become my friends, but I chose to go outside of my comfort zone and get to know people. To this day I couldn't dream about a life without them because most of them feel more like family then friends at this point. I've always dreamed about my career choice since I was in kindergarten, and my dream grew and improved until I found myself going to college just to make that dream a reality. That's the power of our dreams. Whether they're just the littlest of things or greater than life, dreams make can make and show everyone who we are as a person even if they're never truly experience our dreams themselves.
Dreaming is a powerful tool that we use to our advantages. Dreaming helps us come up with new ideas because it's basically our thought process. Some people take dreaming to a whole new level, and then there are others who see dreaming as nothing more than something that happens in our sleep that we tend to forget once we awake. Dreams can be magical, they can be scary, they can be mysterious, they can be inspiring... basically they can be whatever we choose them to be. Everyone has dreams or goals they wish to achieve, but they can't just come true at a click of a button or just magically happen over night. If we want the magic of our dreams to become something more, then we need to go the rest of the way to make our fantasies become reality. I have a dream that one day I will perform at a place I find wonderful and magical all on its own, but my chance to make that dream is on pause. I'm not saying my dream will ever come true, but I'm also not giving up on the chance to make it come true. Never give up on your dreams no matter how silly they may seem and keep on dreaming your future and reality.