There are a lot of awful and frightening things that continuously happen throughout our world. Recently, the LGBTQA community experienced hatred in Orlando, Christina Grimmie (a singer) was shot and later died at her band's concert, and violence is beginning to run rampant. There are many different ways people speculate could fix these issues, but I think in reality it is quite simple.
Don't be a dick.
Guns don't kill people, yes they are the means to an end. Let's be honest though, guns don't fire on their own and ghosts can't pick them up and shoot them. The person deciding to pick a gun up and use it to hurt others, rather than use it to protect themselves, is at fault. Strict background checks for gun purchases would be helpful in narrowing this down, but with the internet it is impossible to totally control what people order from other countries. To everyone blaming guns, there are countries who banned guns. These countries also experience mass stabbings. 9/11 was carried out by commercial airliners, with no guns involved. The Boston Marathon incident dealt with bombs. Guns are not totally at fault.
Say I go buy a gun to protect myself. I would never use a gun to hurt another person, I don't believe in violence being an answer to any kind of issue. Owning a gun doesn't make me a danger to others, how I choose to use it does.
I think the answer to the issue of how violence is running rampant is simple. America and other countries need to become kind again. We, as inhabitants of the USA need to decide to coexist. Everyone has an opinion, but if everyone acted on their opinion the world would be in shambles.
If you don't like a group of people, that's your decision. If you don't like how people choose to live their life, that's your choice. If you hate a group of people because of who they choose to love, that's your prerogative. If you think anyone who has an idea that's different then yours is wrong, you need to open your eyes.
You can feel however you want about things, that's your right. But you also should be respectful about it. Learn about other cultures and try to respect how they choose to live. That culture probably hasn't wronged you, maybe one person from that culture, but not an entire group.
Be kind to everyone. You don't know their life story and you don't know what they've experienced. There is something to learn from everyone you meet. I could be totally wrong on my stance, but I think the world is a lot to blame for our issues. We don't accept others, we don't help people, and we rarely smile at strangers.
So, try this out and see if you think it will help: think about your actions. If you can say "wow, that's a bad idea" or "that's kind of rude" or "this could hurt someone" DON'T DO IT. Be an accepting and kind human, it's that simple.