Before reading this, I want to give fair warning that I am in no way, shape, or form, an expert on politics or political coverage.
When many people look at someone my age, they assume that I, like so many other younger people, am caught up in the so-called Bernie Sanders revolution or whatever it is that Hillary Clinton is doing, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I am officially
It is obvious that Donald Trump is not your average politician. He doesn't come from a political background and he does not have as much political experience as some of the others running in this race, but what he does have is something that America needs--courage. Trump isn't afraid to stand up against those who argue with him and the media who continually twist his words and presents us with the image of a frowning angry man. I view Trump's lack of a filter as someone who is being transparent, someone who is speaking from the heart, someone who is fighting off the overwhelming tide of "political correctness" that is drowning this nation. I have no doubt in my mind what Trump's views are and what his plan is, but I couldn't say the same for Hillary Clinton (who should focus more on handling her multiple FBI investigations). Today's society has become so overly sensitive and Trump isn't afraid to speak out against it.
With a plan for immigration, returning manufacturing jobs to America, and to negotiate better trade deals, Trump plans to put America first and that is exactly what I'm looking for in a president. I want someone
I don't want to wake up in the morning and see images of people burning the American flag and physically attacking people who did nothing but choose to support a candidate that you didn't agree with, but that is all I see on the news. It is time to take back America and wave the American flag high in the air instead of stamping it into the ground. To be honest, I'm sick and tired of what this country has become and I need--we all need--someone in the White House who is truly going to Make America Great Again.