It is a new day in America. We have elected a new president. The people have given their voice. Democracy has prevailed.
Unfortunately there are those who think that democracy only works when it goes their way and they have the right to throw a fit and try to undo it if they do not like the result.
Before you make any snap judgments about this article, keep an open mind about what I have to say first before you either commend or condemn me for what I believe in. Especially in these times, we need to keep an open mind and listen to what others have to say, whether they are like us in our thinking or not.
Let me first start off by offering my congratulations to our President-elect Donald J. Trump. What was initially thought to be impossible from the beginning is now possible. No one gave you a chance in hell of winning the presidency, which is well documented and I will not cover that now, and yet you prevailed to become the elected leader of the free world. You’ve earned it and I wish you the best of luck these next four years.
I also want to congratulate Secretary Clinton on a hard fought campaign. Becoming the first woman to be nominated for president is a very big deal and should be applauded because it has never been done before and may be the start of many more to come.
Now to the matter at hand. Ever since the election, there has been an outcry of protests, hysteria, and irrational fear. Now I am not condemning these people for exercising their right to protest but just because your candidate won does not give you the right to destroy property and act like spoiled brats. We need to unite around our new president and try to make America as great as it can be instead of protesting the results of an election.
I believe in the American system; that we elect our leaders every two or four years and that we create revolutions through the vote instead of by force. I believe in the Electoral College in that it makes sure every vote in every state counts instead of just the largely populated states getting their say on the election (I’m looking at you, California) with the popular vote. I believe in the American people to be educated enough to voice whom they want to lead us and above all, I believe in the ideals that make America great.
So it is time we stop crying and whining about how an election turned out and instead work to try and make our nation better than it was before. If you believe in that and agree with me, I commend you, but if you think I am wrong, I will accept that too because we are all entitled to our own opinions but we must respect others’ as well.