I don't know about you but when I think of the weather i prefer the least, it's usually rain. Don't get me wrong, I love a good thunderstorm and lightning show that illuminates the navy sky, but I find when there is a relentless cold downpour outside my mood shifts into that of a more negative mood. Maybe it's the lack of sunshine and Vitamin D, maybe it's the fact that I absolutely hate having wet jeans and shoes, or maybe it's the pure fact that I just don't like rain. Nevertheless, I sought to combat the rainy day blues and try to enjoy the dreary day in all its glory.
Step 1: Embrace it
Look there's no getting around it: when the day is rainy and cold your options become more limited than on a day with sunshine. But, that doesn't mean you can't have any less fun. Instead of sulking in the house like I usually do when it rains, try to adapt the plans you had to the day you were given. Just because water is falling from the sky doesn't mean you need to forgo everything on your to-do list (which is def something I've done). Be that amazing and productive human being you set out to be before the rain came and learn to adapt and change to the day around you.
Step 2: Find Something Fun to Do
I know that if it were up to me, rain would only occur in the evenings when I'm sleeping and with the bare minimum needed to keep nature thriving (love you plants). But, sometimes a little change is good to keep you on your toes. So, next time it rains instead of vegging out in front of the TV, do something fun you wouldn't normally do on a normal day. After you finish crossing off everything from your to-do list, embrace your inner kid and think about what you may have done on a rainy day as a kid. Movie marathons, blanket forts, and baking are all things my mom used to combat rainy days. And if you're feeling especially adult, why not draw a bubble bath, drink some tea, and practice some self-care that you may have been slacking on thus far. If you're cooped up inside all day, you might as well make the most of it and give the most important person in your life (aka YOU) some well needed attention.
Step 3: Learn to Look Forward to the Next Rainy Day
I know that I've already discussed my opinion on rainy days, but I think this is the last step necessary in order to truly learn to enjoy rainy days. As with every new day, there's new things to look forward to as well as new obstacles to overcome. No one can expect to grow or change if their life is the same day in and day out. Without disruption in our lives we tend to lose some of the spontaneity each of us are given, valuing each new day less and less. If you can't wake up each day and find something to look forward to or be inspired by then it's time for a change. Just as plants need rain to grow and change, maybe us humans need it too. And sometimes, change can occur in the most subtle of ways, like maybe even building a blanket fort on a rainy afternoon.
Enjoy all your rainy days!