With each new year there typically comes resolutions. Most people have broke their resolutions by now, let's be honest. I saw a ton of people on social media say that 2019 is going to be their year. Here are some ways that I am making 2019 the best year yet.
I am a college student so that means money is tight and I have to plan. This year I am being open to opportunities. I have learned that some of the best experiences in your life are the ones that you least expect. This means that I am looking for off the wall chances and taking them. For me this means I am taking chances for finding a summer internship.
I am getting out of my comfort zone. I am traveling to Brazil in the middle of the year and I could not be more excited. Many people have told me that Brazil is dangerous and a BAD idea. I tell them the same thing, bad things can happen anywhere. I am going with people that I only recently met. I am taking the leap of faith and going for it and couldn't be happier with my decision.
In 2019 I want to refind what I am passionate about and what brings me joy. One of those things is writing. I decided to start writing and sharing. When I was younger I wrote all the time from poems to stories. With age and life I left writing behind, but now I am bringing it back. I also am making more time for reading. Reading gives me a chance to relax and not stress. I am determined to make sure that I don't get too caught up in what is going on around me.
Surrounding yourself with good, positive people is the key to peace. Negativity is way more contagious than positivity unfortunately. This year I am putting my energy and focus on people who give me something back. I am not talking about material items. I mean the people that provide something to your soul, peace, attitude, emotion. Finding people to support you is the only way to make it through.
Ultimately in 2019 I am finding my true happiness. Happiness is the ultimate life goal. Life is too short to be unhappy and not be at peace with yourself. So here's to truly the best year yet!