This year I hope for many of us is when we finally put aside all that is holding us back and keeping us from the best versions of ourselves. Of course, we are always changing, and change is usually a good thing. With the new year in full swing, my best wish for you dear readers is that I hope you never settle.
Do not settle for good enough for too long, because then you will forever think that what was supposed to be just temporary is actually what you deserve. That is wrong. You deserve the world. You deserve anything that brings happiness to your life. Do not stay with anything just because. Stay with something when you are truly satisfied with it and it will help you proceed further in the direction of your happiness.
Not only does this apply to things such as cars, homes, and diets, this applies to people. Do not stay with someone because you feel like they will be the only one that is capable of loving you. You are more than just being tied down to one person. You are capable of being loved by many, and you do not have to be forced to stay and settle with something that does not bring you utter and complete happiness.
With a new year here, I've come to the realization that I have just been okay with whatever happens, and not doing anything to ensure that I get the best possible outcomes of my decision-making. I also realized that I have been letting people know about my life that really just didn't deserve to anymore. These friends that I have made in the past are just not as close to my soul as they used to, so instead of just settling with a broken friendship, I am using the year of 2017 to find new friends that I can confide in.
Along with that, do not let yourself settle into the position of being okay of letting everyone else prosper. Do not settle into the lifestyle of seeing everyone else succeed. It is okay to get out of your comfort zone to get from where you are to where you want to be, you do not have to settle for what is right in front of you, because you always have the opportunity to shape it into what you really want.
Make this your year. Do not settle for anything less than you deserve. And since you deserve the world, never settle completely. You may find the one, but never settle for the version you that you are because time changes most certainly almost anything.