In today's world, society puts quite a bit of pressure on the amount of money you make in your professional career. The amount of income that you bring in determines your worth. But what if the subject that you are studying in school is not necessarily "in demand" anymore?
I'm an English major with a minor in Journalism and Writing. I am told on a regular basis that I should choose a different career path, like business or nursing because there is not a very high demand for jobs in the English field; that the field has gotten much smaller in recent years.
It gets to be very confusing. When you are young, you are told to follow your heart, and do whatever makes you happy. But once you get to college and start making your decisions, there is this unspoken list of "right" and "wrong" options to major in. The "wrong" fields are the ones that make you no money.
I, apparently, chose one of those "wrong" fields.
To hear repeatedly that I am probably not going to make it in the professional world is a little defeating, and on multiple occasions I have considered changing my major so that I could be "more successful" in the future. I am very glad to say that I am now a Junior and I have not let society or those directly around me sway my choices.
Is English a shrinking field? Sure. As the popularity of technology goes up, the use of print goes down. But that doesn't mean I will never be successful. It just means that I have to be better. I can do that.
Never tell someone that they have made a "wrong" decision when talking about their life path. If it is what they love, then let them. The best thing that you could possibly do is give them all of your support.