I may be a Communication Studies major, but in reality, there are a lot of other things I seem to be learning a LOT about, too.
1. Crafting
Who needs to study, when you could be making Christmas Ornaments, painting a canvas, redecorating your room (which you’ve probably already done at least 5 times before), and probably doing other random crafty things that you find on Pinterest, along with making 9 tutus for Ludy Bowl, in one night. I have done more crafting since coming to college than I have in my entire life, and believe when I say crafting is my cardio.
2. Shopping: How to Target/ Dollar Tree
Going to a small school where everyone knows everyone and everyone is involved in everything, it is always great to be able to leave campus and take time for yourself. I mostly find myself at Target or Dollar Tree, because who doesn’t love all the cute ideas one can get from Target and Dollar Tree crafts!
Side Note: Target currently has little Christmas Trees for $3.
3. Community Service/ Volunteering
throughout our Columbia College years, we take Liberal Arts classes, and in then, we go out into the community and complete community service projects. My first-year, we went to The Palmetto Trail and raked, and this year, I go to Pawmetto Lifeline to work with animals and help with any needs they may have.
4. Koalas
There is nothing like going into a store that sells a koala because then you have to get it,because the Koalas seem to not be the easiest things to find.
5. Acting like we have it all together.
Too often we are expected to be completely presentable and act like we have our life completely put together when in reality we do not.
6. Making 5 dollars last you all week with microwave meals.
We all know the dining hall does not always fit in with our schedule so it is nothing out of the ordinary to go get dollar meals from Wal-Mart to make the most of the 5 dollars that you have.
7. Dry shampooing
Who needs to wash their hair when you have things like dry shampoo to get you through the day, because why spend less time with friends to wash your hair. That is what Sunday mornings are for.
8. Finding clothes in others closets.
It has become a great idea to find friends who can fit in the same size clothes that you do so when all of your options are either not working or dirty, you just go to their closet.
9. Navigation
We are so used to having a small campus that once we get out of our block, we sometimes get confused and end up in random places that we have never been before.
10. Knowing what is open at midnight and who delivers
Attending a small school means not being able to get food our walk to food places 24/7. So, if you stay up late you have to know who deliver, their delivery costs, and how long it will take to get it.
11. The Four Cs
Everywhere on campus, you are confronted with the 4 Cs, courage, commitment, confidence, and competence. These 4 Cs help us show leadership in all aspects of life.
12. Making Friends
These past three years, I have made so many new friends. These friends will forever be in my heart because of all the fun and exciting things we have done while procrastinating.