Major TV Networks Vs. The Internet | The Odyssey Online
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Major TV Networks Vs. The Internet

Will there be another face of automotive entertainment?

Major TV Networks Vs. The Internet
Cristi Breban

The most prominent face of automotive entertainment without a doubt is Jeremy Clarkson. His buddies James May and Richard Hammond are not that far behind, but even people who don't regularly follow car culture know who Clarkson is. That being said, with the exception of Hammond, each member of the Top Gear Grand Tour Trio is a part of the Baby Boomer Generation. My dad is a Baby Boomer. Does that mean The Trio's banter is really just a bunch of dad jokes?

Before this turns into a rant about the elderly, let's take a step back. Clarkson, Hammond and May have all heavily influenced car culture over the last decade in ways the Fast and Furious franchise can only dream of, but as they get older, the question of who will step into their shoes become more apparent.

The problem is, as we enter an increasingly mobile culture where anybody can generate content, it's hard not to believe these brick and mortar TV shows might be in great danger soon. Websites and YouTube Channels like Petrolicious, Carfection and Everday Driver routinely roll out professional grade work with a fairly small budget. In fact, Chris Harris was a YouTube star before he was picked up by Top Gear.

How are these channels finding such success without a major network backing them up? It's because creating content is easier than ever. GoPros are replacing dolly mounted cameras. Drones are replacing helicopters for aerial shots. YouTube, Amazon Prime and Netflix are stepping up to and even surpassing older entertainment conglomerates.

With such quality work so easily created and attainable, it seems the only way for major network shows to stay relevant is to go way over the top, like Top Gear, but these shows are just beginning to feel the pressure from newfound internet-based rivals. The advent of websites like Car Throttle prove that that virtually anybody with a camera can generate superb and honest content. No one can truly replace The Trio, but will there be another face who can fill their shoes? Or will we be subjected to several different faces from all corners of the internet?

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