In a split second, our life can change. Change is inevitable and we all experience it- the good and the bad. I'm a big believer in the cliche we all know and hear constantly- "everything happens for a reason". Whatever hard change you're going through, whether it be a breakup, moving away somewhere, or even adopting a new illness, you will overcome your obstacles. Life will be throwing you them all the time, major and minor, and you will learn many life lessons through all of them.
Emotional about it? That's perfectly ok.
We are humans. We have emotions and we have to express them. Some people are afraid to show their true emotions because it can be uncomfortable, but you have permission to feel the way you are feeling. Bottling up emotions is never a fun time because they will explode at one point and make things harder for yourself in the long run. Have your time to be angry, sad or whatever, but then it's time to pick yourself up because life is not stopping. To stay in a place of sadness or anger for too long can be damaging.
Be positive about the future.
When I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder, it took a lot of time for me to process that I would be living with an illness there was no cure to. Having a positive perspective about major changes is key. The support from my friends and family pushed me to persevere through life and always remember that life is more than my disease. I encourage everyone who is struggling with some sort of big change to have this mentality. Believing that things can and will be different and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel is what will get you through your change. Life has endless possibilities for you in the future.
It's OK to ask for help.
Sometimes all you need is a friend, someone to reach out to you. Don't hesitate to tell people that you would benefit from some help. Some people are natural caregivers and will automatically give you some comfort, but not everyone is that way.
You will grow as a person.
Grow through what you go through. The hardships we face will make us stronger if you think that way. Use whatever major change you're going through and make it into something that fuels your fire. Any change, especially a traumatic one, can change you forever. It'll change the way you think, and the way you deal with certain things. Even though you went through a major change, don't let it take over who you are. You can still have the same goals, values and purpose in life. Remind yourself that.