Think back to when you were starting college. It's senior year and everyone is asking what your major will be and what you want to be when you grow up. You can't seem to figure it out, so you tell them that you are not sure but you are leaning this way or that way. In the back of your mind you think, "I am the only one in the world that doesn't know what to study in college or what to do after college."
News flash: You are not the only one.
Many students change their major at least once throughout their time in college. Lots of people are even undeclared when they first start college to try to determine what they want to major in. If you change your major once, twice, or five times, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you find the field right for you. Finding the field right for you can be overwhelming when you step onto a campus with hundreds of major options. Here's some advice: take your time and find your niche.
Changing your major does not make you less educated, indecisive, or unmotivated. If anything, changing your major makes you persistent. Instead of picking one major and completing it just to graduate, you are consistently seeking to find the perfect major for you. By changing your major, you figure out what you do not like, and this helps you decide what you will like.
What will you lose when you change your major?
The answer is simple: absolutely nothing. Did you waste a semester by declaring a major you don't want anymore? Nothing was wasted, but knowledge was gained. Many classes overlap into other majors, so it might work out for your benefit. Did you take a class that you don't need for your new major? No problem, you just got a little extra knowledge on another subject. Are you deep into a major, and you realize you don't want to graduate in that field? Now you have a minor in that subject, which can only improve your resumé.
Find your place.
Don't spend your time in college studying something that doesn't make you happy or excited to learn about. This will only leave you with regrets after you graduate. The bottom line is to find something you love. If you're unsure about what to major in as you enter college, take your time. Think about whether you like math, science, or English, and go from there. Do not be afraid to change your major, as it will only help you achieve greater things in life. One of the best things I have done in college is changing my major. Even though I am on my third major, I am positive it is the last one. I have finally found the major that makes me happy, but I would not take back the time I spent in other majors along the way.