People always ask me why I decided to study business in college. For me, I grew up surrounded by business. My dad runs his own company and my mom works for a local business in our small town. As I got older, I started to realize what that really entailed. One of three things can occur - you can work for someone, someone works for you, or you work for yourself. Each option has their own list of pros and cons. From watching my dad take over the business that my grandfather started 30 years ago, to him building it up to be a million dollar generating company, there was no way I could not pursue entrepreneurship. I want to create something from nothing, and watch it grow and be able to support myself and the family I intend to have.
My love for the business world is simple. I love the thrill of it. The constant change and evolvement that comes from creativity and innovation. It's competitive. Everyone is striving to be the best at what they do. As business students, we are taught to push limits and take risks because risk equals reward. We don't see failure as the end of the road, we see it as a wrong turn. We turn thoughts and ideas into plans and actions. There is so much uncertainty when it comes to the success of any business, but I think that's what makes it exciting.
The bottom line is that business is people. The products and services that a company offers are not what make the business, the people who run and the people who consume from that company is what makes the business. You don't necessarily have to be a people person to do well in this world, but you need to understand them.
I'm studying Marketing and Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the #1 ranked "most innovative" colleges in the country. Currently, in my fourth semester, I can say that I've been CEO of two profiting companies created through special courses offered at the Lacy School of Business. My first business sold blender bottles that were specific to Butler University and we generated nearly $1,200 in revenue. This semester, my new business specializes in marketing promotions products, and we project to generate upwards of $8,000 in revenue. I'll graduate with two completed business internships. I chose this school for that very reason - the real-life experiences I get before I ever get a diploma. After graduating, I plan to go to law school to study corporate law with a focus in entrepreneurship law.
Entrepreneurs are vital to society and more importantly the economy. Their innovative minds improve our standard of living, and their business ventures create jobs. Business is everywhere, and that is why I'm studying it.