I’m an extremely busy person on campus. Not only have I not missed a single class this term, but I am an officer for two different clubs, I am on four committees, I have three jobs, and I’m directing a short play. I manage to fit everything in just like a puzzle. Some people think I’m super crazy for everything I have going on, but I would not want it any other way. Now I am sharing my knowledge of schedule keeping to help anyone who is super busy.
I try to attend as many classes as possible, even if I don’t like them. Classes are the reason you’re at college, and they, along with schoolwork, should be top priority in your schedule. You should form your schedule around your classes, and make sure you have free time to do your homework and study. Also be flexible with this time, just in case something major comes up. If I don’t have any work to do, then I watch Netflix.
I am an officer of two clubs on campus. Officer positions are usually a lot of work, but they are also very rewarding. I get to meet and connect with new people throughout the year, and it is awesome. It does not take too much time to be an officer of a club. I’m not saying it’s easy; I’ve had to make a lot of tough decisions about things for the club, but it should not take too much time. I would reserve usually around one hour a week for a club that I’m an officer for. This hour would be to hold meetings, meet with officers if need be, and participate in club activities. Sometimes, you will go over that hour, and sometimes, you will go under that hour. But if you’re an officer, you help determine when the club meets, so you will be able to reserve time for that.
I am on four committees for different events on campus. It is weird to say that, because sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. Committees are less work than being an officer for a club is. Some might disagree, but up until the actual week of the event, committees aren’t a huge time commitment. So, if I were to say anything about committees that host events on your campus, I would make sure that 1. It is an event you’re genuinely interested in and 2. None of the events you sign up for are overlapping. This way, you will not be stressed out with doing multiple events at once, and you will be able to do whatever event you want.
My job situation is not normally like this, I just have an extra internship on top of my two on-campus jobs. My jobs at school only give me a grand total of six hours a week. I would definitely not recommend getting three jobs; stick to one or two jobs. I know it’s hard not to work as much as possible, especially since we’re trying to pay off school while still in it. But you need to make sure you are not overworking yourself in order to survive.
One thing that I will definitely recommend is to learn how to balance your schedule with things you want to do versus things you feel like you have to do.The most important thing about managing a busy schedule is to not bite off more than you can chew. I am on the very edge of that, and I make it work, but I also know how to say no to things. Make sure you are able to say no if you cannot commit to something. You do not want to end up in a situation where you will break down or not be able to complete things. Picking up things you may want to participate in may also mean dropping something else. You need to find out what activity you would truly want to do, and be able to let go of the other thing. Life is full of hard decisions, and in college we get to see the start of that. It’s not easy to let go of something you may love, but you should if you love the other thing even more.
Maintaining a busy schedule isn’t always easy; you can keep a planner or write everything down. But the most important thing you should schedule in is time to have fun; that is something I absolutely do. We’re in college, and we don’t get to stay forever, so have fun while you’re here!