Magic Mikes: The Ultimate Gift Deliverers | The Odyssey Online
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Magic Mikes: The Ultimate Gift Deliverers

Magic Mikes: The Ultimate Gift Deliverers

Even though I’m not in a sorority, I would venture to imagine that Big and Little Reveal is probably one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking moments in a sorority. The process may be different from chapter to chapter, but there’s always seem to be a mystery to the Little about who their Big is. Sometimes, it may be easy to find out or quite difficult. 

On the special day, each sorority chapter will have their own tradition of Big and Little Reveal. Some of the traditions I’ve witnessed were where Big sisters hides in boxes where their Littles will have to find them. Other traditions that other chapters use are egg hunts, puzzle hunts, song hunt, or whatever creative and fun ways to reveal the pairing. However, before this day arrives, sisters love to adorn their excited Littles with gifts or clues. 

At UCF, sorority sisters have a tradition of sending clues to their future Little up to the day of the reveal. Some sister’s buy gifts like nail polish, craft items, full on care packages, or pieces of items that go together to make a full picture or complete item. Puzzles pieces were some of the popular clues that were used by sisters.

But wait, how do the Littles get their gifts if there are not supposed to know who their Bigs are? That’s where the Magic Mikes of the Theta Chi Fraternity come in. Although there have been several of our members that have participated in delivering gifts, Brett Horowitz and Tom Hagerty have gone far and beyond. 

Big and Little week is not just a sorority affair. In fact, for the beginning part of the week, delivering gifts to the Littles were all on the back and shoulders of two members of our fraternity. I remembered doing a few of these late night gifts deliveries, but these guys have me beat. With over 40 deliveries, they are the talk of Greek Park. They are also the talk of sorority girls' Instagrams at UCF.

One night when I was at the Theta Chi house, and I saw the two guys putting their bow ties on getting ready for a delivery. I asked them if they were excited to be providing such a demanding service. Brett said, “I think it’s been great because I get the chance to make new friends and meet girls from the different chapters.” Well, that’s pretty much was Greek Life is all about, networking, right…? 

After the delivery they had at Alpha Xi Delta, I asked Tom if they had any more to do. Tom replied, “Yeah, we have about 10 more tonight,” as he was checking to see if they had any more service requests. I was shocked with how many they were doing all in just one night. I only saw a few pics of our new guys serenading the surprised Littles, but I did not realize the amount of sisters that were requesting their service. 

I was thinking to myself that these guys should get paid for doing this, but they’re not in it for the money or the fame. They’re just two regular guys excited to be part of the whole Greek Life experience.

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