Why Maggie Will Make A Great Leader | The Odyssey Online
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Why Maggie Will Make A Great Leader

Why Maggie Will Make A Great Leader
Nirazilla via Flickr

In season 7 so far, we witnessed the psychological breaking of our favorite characters. In the return of the season, we hope to see those characters overcome defeat. One character who will emerge stronger than ever is Maggie Greene Rhee. As season 7 has closely followed the comics, it is likely we will see Maggie assume leadership of the Hilltop community.

"This is our home now. So you'll learn to start to call me by my name. Not Marsha, not dear, not honey. Maggie. Maggie Rhee." —Maggie to Gregory

Maggie first appeared as a strong character who spoke her mind, and that image of her has never dwindled. She lost everything, but she always kept fighting. When Negan murdered Glenn, Maggie did not hesitate to assert her need for revenge. She will get it, too.

In previous seasons, Maggie's leadership abilities have been eclipsed by Rick and other characters in leadership roles. Seeing the leadership potential in Maggie, Deanna Monroe asked Maggie to help her lead Alexandria. On Deanna's deathbed, she gave Rick a letter for Maggie that presumably was a call for Maggie's leadership abilities to shine. Shine they will in the return of the season. Maggie's compassion, bravery, assertiveness, and determination are all markers of a good leader.

In season 7 so far, we witnessed the growth of Maggie's leadership abilities in her mentoring of Enid and her quick-thinking to save the Hilltop community. Jesus also sees the potential in Maggie, and Jesus is a good person for Maggie to have on her side.

Maggie lost four loved ones at the hands of antagonists, so it is fitting that her MBTI personality type is ENFJ, the protagonist. Clearly, Maggie is extraverted. Moreover, Maggie is intuitive in that she understands people and sees through the facades they may put on. Furthermore, her people-orientation suggests she is a feeler. Maggie plans and takes action, placing her in the judging category. There is an argument for Maggie being an ENFJ or an ENSJ. Maggie is firmly grounded in the present, but she looks to the future with a bit of realistic optimism; her visionary capabilities suggest she is truly an ENFJ, rather than an ESFJ. However, the MBTI is not a perfect measure, and I believe Maggie falls between 50-60% on N.

To further analyze her MBTI type, we will examine Jungian functional preference ordering. The functions are dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior. You can think of these functions in terms of a car; the dominant function is the driver, the auxiliary function is the passenger, the tertiary function is a 10-year old in the backseat, and the inferior function is the 3-year old in the backseat. In other words, the dominant function develops first, followed by the auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior.

Do you have the same personality type as Maggie? Take the short test here.

For the ESFJ, the functions are extraverted feeling, introverted sensing, extraverted intuition, and introverted thinking, respectively.

For the ENFJ, the functions are extraverted feeling, introverted intuition, extraverted sensing, and introverted intuition, respectively.

Both types are dominantly extraverted feeling. This is the function Maggie most often shows to the world, and she is energized by it.

When introverted sensing is the auxiliary function, tried-and-true methods are preferred to accomplish goals. When introverted intuition is the auxiliary function, how events will unfold is taken into consideration to create plans to accomplish goals. The latter sounds more like Maggie, who is future-oriented.

As a tertiary function of personality, extraverted sensing is manifested in the ability to pick up cues from the external environment, to think on one's feet, although one would prefer to plan ahead. This sounds more like Maggie than extraverted intuition as a tertiary function, which manifests in the creation of a series of creative solutions to problems.

Both types are also introverted thinking, evidenced by the ability to piece things together using an internal framework.

It is easy to understand why Maggie could be mistaken as an ESFJ because the auxiliary function, introverted intuition, is utilized in the inner world of Maggie, therefore it is not directly visible to the audience. Extraverted sensing, on the other hand, is outwardly visible.

As her personality type suggests, Maggie is people-oriented and future-oriented--a natural leader.

Negan, an ENTJ, is also a natural leader, but he has met his match with Maggie. Negan and Maggie are both strong characters, and inevitably, strong leaders. While Maggie and Negan are both charismatic, Maggie is tolerant, reliable, and altruistic. Negan, on the other hand, is intolerant, ruthless, and arrogant, yet efficient, energetic, and a strategic thinker. Negan and Maggie are both big picture thinkers, but Maggie possesses kindness that Negan lacks. This makes a huge difference in leadership style.

Undoubtedly, Maggie's compassion, strength, and desire for closure make her a good fit for a leadership role. In a way, it took Glenn's death to unveil Maggie's leadership abilities. Glenn's death will not be in vain. The rise of Maggie is coming.

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