There has been an online Madden franchise that has been going on for many years now. It might be the most hype franchise out there. It consists of 8-9 players annually, Zach (Korn) Kornburger, Jake (Tex) Texeira, Matt (Guer) Emmer, Ty (Lord) Weber, Joe (Plant) Plantier, Nick (Koebs) Koebert, Jeff (Jay) Marohl, Robert (Rob) Koenen, and yours truly Hunter (Ruud) Ruediger. Each has their own different playstyle, but one thing that is always consistent is the shit talking everyone does to everyone.
This Franch has brought everyone together and has made friends out of everyone. The Franch always brings everyone together, and it has kept everyone together through college. Whether it's having 9 people all online at the same time all talking during the draft, or when it is when you mic up during an intense playoff game when both are yelling and shit talking throughout it all. Having this Franch has kept everyone tight and it'll keep everyone tight all year.
It is one of the most intense games I've ever played because of the pressure you feel not to lose. If you were to lose then you know exactly what is coming for you... mad shit talk and you're going to get roasted. Also, everyone talks big before the game starts and no one ever backs down. In order to talk shit, you need to back it up with your play and if you can't then you get roasted by everyone in the Franch. Let's just say that there is no mercy in the Franch.
Madden to everyone in the Franch is more than a game, it is a lifestyle where there is constant pressure to do well. When playing for a Super Bowl or just any playoff game you can feel the sweat drip down your forehead and you feel your sweaty palms grip that controller. It feels as if you are actually playing in the game. You feel that same pressure.
Madden is a game to some people, but to my friend group and I, it is a way of life. It also helps bring us together every year and stay in close contact with everyone no matter how far or how close we are.