Well, 2018 has already been an eventful year. January lasted 46 weeks and now February in full swing. After the 2016 election year, I didn't think it could get more political, but here we are, and I feel like it keeps getting worse. There have always been disagreements in politics. The Republican and Democrat parties have single-handedly divided this country and ruined any chance of reconciliation, but that is for another day.
Americans disagree on everything. I'm serious. EVERYTHING.
There are people who argue that the Earth is flat and that is all I am saying about that. Opinions are good for the country. If everyone believed the same thing it would be boring, easy, but boring. Talking about your opinions is good. Expressing them is good. But getting mad at someone with a different opinion is the worst thing you can do, not to mention a waste of time.
For some God-forsaken reason, people think Facebook is the best place to post their political opinions. People do this because they think their opinion is right and other people care. I am not here bashing on people putting their opinions on social media. Social media is the easiest way to share opinions, but it comes with consequences. People don't want to hear your opinions, they want you to listen to theirs. And when someone disagrees, they get defensive and angry. When people are insulted or feel defenseless, they get scared, but behind a computer screen, they become sociopaths who have no feelings or emotions. I'm telling you, some 25-year-old will comment on their great-aunt's post telling her to kill herself over whether or not Trump's tweet was stupid. It's actually ridiculous.
I have a theory. Hear me out. What if instead of using our time commenting and posting, we actually do something that helps. Email or call your representative. If you want to get angry at someone, get mad at Congress for sitting on their asses not doing anything. They are so divided and deadlocked and no one cares because the citizens are the same way.
Maybe instead of arguing we could all come together in support of the government actually bettering this country. I am not saying that we are going to solve all these hot topic issues. But I honestly believe some positive energy would be good. Kids do not need to grow up in this. Adults don't need to live in this.
Yes, this is a very political time. Yes, your opinions are important and should be heard. But show them by organizing a fundraiser. Hold a rally. Do something that benefits your cause! Small acts lead to big changes. Use your voice, but don't get mad when someone uses theirs.
P.S There have been many unwanted presidents. This time it seems the outrage has lead to more trouble than the actual president. Why is that? (Rhetorical question, think about it while procrastinating tonight.)