In recent years, Mac laptops and computers have become overwhelmingly popular in both mainstream media and many subcultures around the world. The list of different Mac products that one should and should not buy is growing at an incredible rate. While PC computers still offer us the same functionality and dependability as Mac computers, there needs to be an element of caution when considering the effect that Mac computers have on us as a consumer society. Mac culture is becoming more and more widespread, and it's often taken too far.
Just how many people have you seen at your college with a Mac laptop? Far too many. Colleges, especially liberal colleges, are notorious for fostering the ever-growing Mac culture that is destroying our American identity. We need to ask ourselves — where should the line between PC and Mac computers be drawn? Our very freedom as Americans could depend on it — the freedom to have whatever kind of laptop we want.
In November 2008, a young boy by the name of Poor Example, or Po for short, was forced to stop using his PC and to use a Mac instead. When one of Po's school bus drivers used her American-born free speech to tell him to stop hitting everyone over the head with his PC, someone should have stepped in and stopped that bus driver. But no one did. His PC was taken away and he was given a Mac instead. This was a failure of our American education system. Students shouldn't have to be tolerant of other people's Macs, and they shouldn't have new Macs forced upon them. It is one of our American rights to hit people over the head with our PCs, no matter who it offends.
Even though our education system as a whole continues to spread Mac propaganda, it is a sad but true fact that PC culture is diminished on most college campuses. The power of Mac culture, or Mac correctness, is so overbearing that I personally have only seen three people on my college campus with the bravery to use a PC. Those poor souls. Who will stick up for them, the marginalized voices of our generation? We should not prioritize the feelings of Mac users over the rights and American protections of our PC users.
The growing onslaught of Mac correctness is nothing short of a tragedy. Perhaps Machiavelli sums this idea up more eloquently than I can, in a very relevant quote. "Men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, for everyone can see and few can feel. Everyone sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are."
Powerful stuff. Mac culture perpetrators should always remember that absolutely no one is obligated to listen to them and their "correctness," no matter how much society tells us to be decent and respectful PC users.