I know I have disappeared for a bit. School became a lot for a bit in there, but I am back and ready to share more work with you. This week I have another poetry piece for you.
Ever since we were young, we have been taught
That love is the fixer of all evil doings
It trumps all ignorant beings and makes everything better
Every movie, fairy tale, fantasy has that same plot line
That isn’t how the ‘real world’ operates
I’ve only seen love as a negative thing
The word itself burns my tongue when being said
I’ve witnessed it rip worlds apart
“I love you but we don’t work”
“I love you but I need to leave”
“I love you but you aren’t enough”
Love has taught me that no matter what
Even if someone says they love you they can up and leave
They can change their mind and decide you aren’t good enough in the blink of an eye
One word should not be able to hold that much power
And that is the reason I loathe is so