Hi. Monica Geller's spirit animal, here. Today we are going to talk about lists, and by lists, I mean the 3 or 4 (or 6 or 7) bullet points that dictate my entire day/week/life.
I thought it would only be fitting to explain the thoughts of a true list maker in a list:
1. Which font should I use?
2. *Having sticky notes and gel pens available at all times" (On a hike? Need a highlighter? I got you.)
3. This needs to be color coded.
4. Bullet points are not just points, but arrows and diamonds and squares, too. Each one means something different and they have the power to speak to you.
5. Dang it. I need to rewrite this list because I thought of something else.
6. Never wondering when the lists were made because they were sure as heck accurately dated
7. Avoiding the things you actually have to do by spending too much time making your said to do list.
8. "Hold that thought! I need to make a list really quick"
9. Oh man, this one needs to be laminated.
10. Not understanding why people pay for therapy when you can just make a list- duh.
Let's be real, lists get us through. Today, alone, I bet I have added six lists to my "Lindsey Lists" folder on Google Drive. Yes, I have a folder because who wants to make beautiful lists that go to waste? (I may or may not go back and look at them). We all know we love to make lists, but in reality, the best part is checking things off.