Who believes in love at first sight? I certainly don’t. Life isn’t the Disney tale where Prince Charming sees Cinderella across the room and knows that she is his bride to be. Life is where you meet a quirky person, hangout, and then fall in love. Don’t let the big Mouse House fool you into thinking that your love story will inspire their next animated film. And don’t try to base your love life off of a Nicholas Sparks novel because if you do, you will be let down every time. And while I most definitely don’t believe in love at first sight, something I’m a firm believer in is lust at first sight.
Lust: very strong sexual desire, a passionate desire for something
Lust at first sight is where you see and bangin’ bod and wanna, well, bang (or at least stare at and think #blessed). You likely don’t want to meet their family, spend holiday after holiday with them, you don’t want to hold them close while their crying about a dead pet, and (I believe I speak for everyone) you certainly don’t want to clean up after them when they're sick and throwing up. All of that is something that you want to do for someone you love.
With lust at first sight you see someone and have a feeling of infatuation.
Infatuation: an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
Ladies (and gentlemen out there), I’m sure you’ve all seen someone walk past you and then for the next few minutes or even hours you’ve just thought about how attractive they were. That right there is lust, not love. Lust, to break a misconception, doesn’t always have to be sexual in nature, however. When put into it’s most basic meaning, lust simple means desire.
Desire: a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen
You can desire a friendship with that person because they just seem “so cool.” But simply wanting to be friends with someone doesn’t mean that suddenly you are friends with that cool person. You have to spend time with them, hold those conversations, and really get to know that person before you can be friends with them.
It’s the same way with lust versus love at first sight. With lust it’s merely a desire for that person, not the intimate knowledge of that person who you spotted across the room from you.