Lunar New Year is also known as Chinese New Year, and this year falls on Friday, February 16th. This year we are transitioning from the Year of the Rooster to the Year of the Dog. If you want to know what your zodiac sign is and what traits you may possess then keep following along!
*Remember, the Chinese Zodiac follows the Chinese New Year, not the Western New Year. Every year the date for the Lunar New Year changes, varying from the beginning to the end of February. Make sure to watch out if you were born in a year with an early birthday, it might mean you’re not 1961 but 1960 in the Chinese Zodiac years!
1. The Rat
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, or 2008 then you’re a Rat! As a Rat, you are perceived as a problem solver, friendly, quick-thinking, comedic, and flirtatious.
2. The Ox
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, or 2009 then you’re an Ox! As an Ox, you are perceived as trustworthy, hard-working, stubborn, introverted, and detail-orientated.
3. The Tiger
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 then you’re a Tiger! As a Tiger, you are perceived as a leader, convincing, ambitious, intense, and moody.
4. The Rabbit
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, or 2011 then you’re a Rabbit! As a Rabbit, you are perceived as family-orientated, extroverted, pushovers, compassionate, and relaxing.
5. The Dragon
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, or 2012 then you’re a Dragon! As a Dragon, you are perceived as energetic, charismatic, lucky, overbearing, and egotistical.
6. The Snake
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, or 2013 then you’re a Snake! As a Snake, you are perceived as introverted, generous, analytical, jealous, and hard-working.
7. The Horse
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, or 2014 then you’re a Horse! As a Horse, you are perceived as wise, self-reliant, impatient, a drifter, and quick-thinking.
8. The Goat
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, or 2015 then you’re a Goat! As a Goat, you are perceived as creative, unorganized, anxious, supportive, and lovable.
9. The Monkey
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, or 2016 then you’re a Monkey! As a Monkey, you are perceived as fun-loving, active, intuitive, unorganized, and giving.
10. The Rooster
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, or 2017 then you’re a Rooster! As a Rooster, you are perceived as trustworthy, straightforward, quick-witted, conservative, and practical.
11. The Dog
If your birthday falls anywhere from 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, or 2018 then you’re a Dog! As a Dog, you are perceived as temperamental, honest, sensitive, ambitious, and loyal.
12. The Pig
If your birthday falls anywhere from 19711, 1983, 1995, 2007, or 2019 then you’re a Pig! As a Pig, you are perceived as tasteful, generous, judgmental, intelligent, and egotistical.
The Chinese Zodiac is followed for many reasons, love, compatibility, wellbeing, Feng Shuai, financials, and many more. You can also have more complexity to your zodiac than just your animal sign. There’s also element/planet, yin/yang, and can be calculated all the way down to your birth hour.
Each component of the Chinese zodiac follows its own cycle, for example, the animals follow a 12-year cycle. If you want to learn more then there are tons of resources for you to check out.
Lunar New year also isn’t all about the changing of the year, but also to wish luck and health upon your loved ones with beautifully decorated red envelopes! They’re usually filled with money and given from the older generation to the younger generation.
I hope you have a great start to the Lunar New Year and wish you luck and good health coming into the new year!