Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a cup off coffee at the famous Luke's Diner in Stars Hallow? Watching what crazy thing is going on in the town square that day? On Wednesday, October 5, your dreams are coming true, minus the crazy Stars Hallow natives and checking out the town square. Lynn's very own Land Of A Thousand Hill Coffee shop will be completely transformed into Luke's Diner.
The whole atmosphere of the diner will be transformed into Luke's. You'll be thinking that you are transported into a small town in Connecticut when you first walk in. Land Of A Thousand Hills will be one of just 200 cafes that has been selected to participate in this promotion for the new Gilmore Girls revival.
It's time to fulfill all of your small town dreams and grab a strong cup of coffee at Luke's, this is only happening for a day so you better not miss it! Take the time to head down to Luke's on Wednesday, and make sure to check out Land Of A Thousand Hills when its transformed back to it's original set up for some amazing coffee in a local shop.