Luke Combs is such a gem, check out a few of these totally relatable lyrics from the master-mind himself!
1. "Her day starts with a coffee and ends with a wine, takes forever getting ready so she's never on time for anything."
I mean who doesn't love a good white chocolate mocha to start their day and a glass of Sangria before bed? Also, what girl isn't late to literally EVERY event they attend??
2. "Mom and Daddy always did their best, for a crazy fool who couldn’t help himself..."
I don't know about y'all but my parents always have to pick me up and help me out, I truly don't know where I would be without them!
3. "I’ve been knocked down time and time again, got picked back up by love and few good friends..."
My friends are ALWAYS there to pick me up I fall down and try to break my self down and discourage myself.
4. "I ain't afraid to take too many steps out of line, so don't tempt me with a good time..."
I'm an 18 year old in college... I LOVE A GOOD TIME!
5. "But sometimes things ain't what you think they're gonna be, what you want ain't always what you need..."
Y'all, I think this one thinks for itself...
6. "Honey, how's that drink goin' down, seems a little stiff for 2 P.M."
Sometimes a girl has to have something to carry her throughout the rest of the day.
7. "Whoever said 'it ain't the end of the world and you'll find somebody new,' must've never met you..."
This one is really just a kick to the heart, but we have all have had someone that we thought would never be replaceable.
Basically, we are all like Luke Combs and just LOVE him. So Luke, "This One's For You!"