I hate to disappoint anyone, but this week just wasn’t all that exciting for me. Usually, my articles are inspired by something that happens during the week or a conversation I had with someone, but this week just wasn’t one of those inspirational weeks. In a sense, this is frustrating when trying to come up with something to write about, but the again, I’ve been writing some pretty intense content. So this week I’ve decided to take a break from the intensity of my work and just share a quick little humorous story of my Saturday morning.
As many of y’all know, and for those of you who don’t, my sister and her husband moved to Germany almost two months ago just for a couple years for my brother-in-law’s job. This was an extremely exciting time for them, but they had to leave their two sweet beagles (Molly and Lucy) behind here in the U.S. This is where I come in. While they are in Germany for the next two years, it’s my job to take care of their dogs. Well just here recently, I got a forwarded e-mail from my brother-in-law, originally from the dogs’ vet saying that one of them (Lucy) was due for a couple of shots. I instantly rolled my eyes because I have heard more than enough horror stories from my sister about how Lucy does not do well at the vet, but I knew I was just going to have to put on my big girl panties and take her. I made the appointment for 8:00 a.m. on Saturday (don’t know why I made that so early).
Saturday morning came, and I got up at 6:45 a.m. to ensure I had enough time to get Lucy in the car because I already knew that was going to be a challenge. I also didn’t shower or anything before I took her because it was going to be pointless. I found her leash and went to hook her up and noticed the collar she had on that Haley and Garrett got for her before they moved wasn’t a normal collar. I’m not sure if it’s some flea and tick collar or something, but it was that same rubbery plastic material like most flea collars. There wasn’t really a part to hook the leash on, so I hooked it on this one part that her nametag was hanging on. (Also, the collar was pretty loose on her neck, so it easily comes off over her head. Let’s be mindful of that on our journey to the vet). I picked her up and put her in the car but then Molly thought she was supposed to go too, so she tries to jump in the car as well. I then had to lure them both out to try it again because these girls are inseparable. I then had to put Molly back in their pin, put Lucy in the car, shut the car doors and then go back and let Molly out. Well finally, we are on our way to the vet.
Well first thing’s first, I had to GPS where the heck this place was because I had never been there before, and of course it ended up being in the middle of nowhere. I pull up and get a good spot right near the door. So far, Lucy is doing well in the car. She’s panting, but I think that’s pretty standard for dogs in cars. She is drooling way more than usual, but for me, that was a win. Usually she foams at the mouth when she gets nervous. Of course when I park, I notice a man standing outside of the door with his dog and another big eye roll was made. I knew this was not going to go well. Well, I open the door and Lucy jumps out of the car, no problem. She sniffs the grass some and then I kind of tug on her to follow me towards the building but Lucy ain’t budging. I did the only thing I knew how to do. I picked up that 40 pound beagle and carried her to the door. Of course with my luck, the door is locked. The vet hasn’t “opened” yet because it wasn’t quite 8:00am. Cue the next eye roll. This made so much more sense as to why the man was standing outside with his dog. I carried Lucy back over near the car and sat down on the concrete with her between my knees but she kept wanting to get back in the car. So I put her back in the backseat just until they opened the door. I figured it would be easier on me if she was as comfortable as possible at this point. We hang out there for about 15 minutes and then they finally opened the door. Me, Lucy, and about six other pet parents and their furry children all sit in the waiting room together. At this point Lucy is still drooling all over me and constantly trying to jump in my lap, but I’d rather her be doing that than running away from me. One of the vet assistants comes to get Lucy and drags her by the leash to the back. Literally not even five minutes later, Lucy comes out and she’s all done and ready to go home!
I walk Lucy to the other side of the counter to pay for her visit. As I am handing over the debit card, I look behind me and notice that Lucy is urinating all over the floor. I tell the receptionist, “I am so sorry, but she is going to the bathroom on the floor right here.” Of course, this kind of thing happens all the time in the vet office, so the lady said it was really no big deal and she mopped it up as I was leaving. Then I remember that I needed them to cut one of Lucy’s toenails because it grows way faster than her other toenails, so we had to go back in and they took care of that. Now we get to officially leave. In front of me was a man who had his small dog in a carrier in which he carried in his arms. He was ahead of me going out of the exit door, but Lucy obviously doesn’t know manners when it comes to cutting in front of people in line. She scoots right past his feet, so I’m tied up behind him and Lucy is in the front of him, so when I try to snag her back close to me, her collar breaks and here goes this chunky beagle trotting ever so quickly through the parking lot. Here I go running after her yelling, “No no no no no!” At this point, I don’t think she realized her collar had broken because when I dropped on all fours on top of her in the parking lot, she looked rather confused and scared. Here’s my last big eye roll. I pick her up once again and put her back in the car to head home.
We got home fine and she reunited with her sister. They growled at each other, which is normal. I think that’s how they show affection, I’m not sure, but the good news is, I officially took Lucy to the vet for the first time, and needless to say, I learned that I may need to invest in a harness to put her in next time and also wear clothes that reflect drool. It was the most interesting Saturday morning I have had in a while.