Graduating from high school and moving to college is a very exciting, but stressful transition. The transition is made much smoother when your new home is nothing short of breathtaking. My move to LSU was all I ever imagined that it would be. Being on a campus that makes you feel welcomed and included is the best feeling. LSU went above and beyond all my expectations. From the atmosphere and people to the landscape and wildlife, LSU had everything I was expecting. It truly became my home away from home. There are many reasons why this campus is the best one in the nation. These are just a few reasons that make calling LSU "home" so sweet.
1. Mike the Tiger
Rebecca Lindsey
Mike! The heartbeat of every LSU student. If you ask any LSU student what their favorite part of campus is, I can assure that Mike's Habitat is in the top five. He is truly just a big house cat. Mike sleeps for the majority of the day and plays like a kitten during the remaining hours. You have to catch him at just the right time to see his playful characteristics. Make the extra time to stop and see Mike. You definitely will not regret it.
2. The natural beauty of campus
Rebecca Lindsey
From stately Oaks to broad Magnolias, LSU's campus is full of natural beauty. One step on campus and your breath is taken away. One walk through the Quad and I am overwhelmed with the nature. The beauty of the oak trees and the energetic squirrels spread a wave of positivity that will carry you through the day.
3. Football, football, football!
Rebecca Lindsey
Fall is for football. LSU Tiger fans know this well! From tailgating with friends to screaming on the Tigers, gameday has something for everyone. The roar of fans is overwhelming. Alumni, students, and lifelong fans in the same place, cheering for one purpose. You definitely do not want to skip a Saturday Night in Death Valley!
Amazing professors
I'm sure every single high school student has been warned about college professors. There is a stigma that college professors are cruel and coldhearted. I can't speak for other universities, but at LSU the professors are outstanding! I have never had a bad professor at LSU. There are some professors that are strict and sometimes confusing to understand, but every single professor genuinely cares about you and your success in the class. If you put in the effort, they will always be there to help!
Continual community
Coming to LSU as an out of state student, I knew no one! After being on campus for only one week, I met a ton of lifelong friends. College friends become your home away from home and your family. Having close friends in college is definitely a staple in the college experience. LSU has a ton of amazing people and friends.