"The 5 dining hall has the best food, and it's super big!" "The 459 is the best dining hall by far! The quality is unreal."
Whatever team you're on, you probably have your own opinion on which dining hall is better at LSU. Personally, I am going to make a list with each meal, as well as cleanliness and, staff to see which dining hall truly reigns as the best. I also have been at both dining halls so I can judge them both equally
1. Breakfast — The 5
I went there for breakfast and I was amazed by all the things they had. That day I made myself waffles and I didn't have to wait in line unlike sometimes when I'm at the 459. The food was also really hot which is a very rare thing when it comes to dining halls.
2. Continental Breakfast — The 459
When I have class in the late morning I sometimes like to go in for a quick and a light breakfast. Sometimes, if you're lucky and depending on the number of kids, the 459 will leave some of the breakfast out for people to eat which is also very sweet!
3. Lunch — The 459
For some odd reason lunch at the 459 is always much better than the lunch at the 459. During lunchtime, there are so many more options than what they usually have for breakfast. The panini maker is also my best friend!
4. Dinner — The 5Â
Dinner at the 5 is far better than the dinner at the 459. The 5 also has a really great allergy station where people with allergies and food sensitivities can go and feel safe with what they are eating
5. Dessert — The 459Â
Do we need even need to go over this... I don't know if you have had the ice cream but it's 1000% times better and the 5 doesn't make personal little pies.
6. Cleanliness —The 459
I swear I see people cleaning even when it's not even nessary
7. The Staff — BOTH!
The staff at both places can always can make my day much brighter! Everyone is so personable and kind. I always know a meal at either dining hall can make my day so much better!
I'm so happy to announce that the (obvious) winner is the 459! It has always been my dining hall of choice when I am hungry and I have time to sit down and eat. It truly has my heart and I try to avoid the 5 as much as possible. Keep eating, y'all.