It’s no secret that being at a liberal arts college is quite different than going to a state school. In my experience, it can be like an entirely different world. As someone who grew up in a state school college town, I can safely say I’ve seen both sides of the spectrum, and these are just a few of the things I've found that are unique to Loyola. Here are my five first impressions of attending Loyola New Orleans.
1. Almost everyone dresses up for class.
When I say this, I don’t mean Kim Kardashian level outfits, but people wearing the classic oversized t-shirt and Nike shorts combo are definitely in the minority. Most people in liberal arts colleges have creatively driven minds and want to express themselves in however many ways as possible. This is often times put on display through fashion. From pencil skirts to flower crowns- I’ve seen it all on campus. As someone who is an avid over-dresser, I can definitely appreciate this.
2. Almost half of the school is involved in a music-related major and/or trying to make it big.
This is apparent from the constant music flowing from all areas, whether it be from instruments or phone speakers. In such a music-filled city like New Orleans, it's no wonder that music is rooted at Loyola's core. And, how could you forget the most notorious artist to come out of Loyola, G-Eazy? Having him as an alumnus seems to have significantly influenced the number of rappers at Loyola. Chances are you'll be getting business cards and links to Soundclouds pretty quickly.
3. It's incredibly easy to get to your know professor(s).
Now I can't speak for everyone because I'm sure someone somewhere has had a not-so-positive experience with a professor here at Loyola, but my professors have all made themselves extremely accessible for us students. Their office hours are always listed and you are highly encouraged to come visit them. (I can imagine it gets pretty lonely in there).
4. The Tulane shadow is real.
Being right next door to a university as prestigious and well-known as Tulane can cause some interesting dynamics between the two schools. Even though we mutually benefit from each other (both schools can eat from the opposite dining area, and students can take classes at either), there is still some hesitation from both sides when it comes to embracing each other. Walking from Loyola to Tulane's campus can sometimes feel like being transported to another world. However, as long as they have a Panera, you'll find me there.
5. Wherever you need to be, you can get there in 5 minutes.
Loyola's campus is beautiful in its own right, and one of the best things about it is its physical size. You never have to worry about leaving extremely early for your 9:30. There have been countless times where I've left way too early from overestimating the time it takes to get from Point A to Point B. Take those extra ten minutes to finish that Netflix episode- you deserve it.
6. It really is as close-knit as it looks.
Walking on campus, you're extremely likely to see the same people more than once a day, and this creates a unique sense of familiarity. One of the things Loyola prides itself on is the family aspect, and with the Ignatian values, you'll always find someone who's looking out for you.