I used to have a lot of friends. I say that in the least conceded way possible. Either way, it doesn't really matter because I don't have many anymore. I found that with friendships that I had to keep in constant contact with were the quickest ones to fade away.
I like hanging out and catching up and overall enjoy having friends, but I can't be doing it constantly. By that I mean, I can't be doing the constant contact. I noticed this when I got to college and especially when I started to take care of my mental health... for basically the first time ever. I needed time to myself and I needed to try and better myself so I could be a better person for those around me. Don't get me wrong, talking all the time isn't bad but it can be draining and a hold on the person you're trying to become.
That's when I noticed it. No one really cared to talk or catch up or hang out with me. Why? Because they felt I wasn't giving them the attention that they deserved. They were upset and mad that I had decided to focus on myself.
Yeah I know, selfish of me... but it's not like I didn't try to catch up with them on occasion. It just wasn't the same flow anymore, because they needed constant attention and I could not give it to them. I felt bad when it came to that because I wasn't trying to make anyone feel unwanted, it's just I needed my time to grow.
Then I realized the friends who stayed around after that. The ones that didn't ask to be constantly talking; my low maintenance friendships. Friendships that I've had for years, and have gone for days, weeks, and even months without talking, but it never changed a thing. The friendships that I had valued and still value dearly were there. Those were the friendships that stayed and those were the ones I needed.
Those people are the ones that know me best. The ones that I can call up months later and meet up and it's like nothing changed. It's like we didn't spend months apart and everything is fine. There's no anger or resentment. It's because those low maintenance friendships get it.
They get that sometimes you need time for yourself to grow. Life is moving along and we get busy. They get that sometimes other things come first. They get me.
And that's why I think I do best in low maintenance friendships because they get to know me and get the best me I can offer.
- 12 Things Only Low Maintenance Girls Understand ›
- To The Girl Who Is Worth More Than A Friends With Benefits ... ›
- 5 Perks Of Having A Long-Distance Best Friend ›
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