For years I thought my story was full of people who failed me. They failed to be kind enough, loving enough, around enough or just simply enough of what I needed them for.
And while this happened and continues to happen, I wish they could be different. I have wished with every fiber of me that people could be different. For my sake, for my family’s sake, for my friends’ sake; I want them to be different.
They were just human. Humans who fail and sin and fall short, just like I do. I have failed these same things.
And this want, this wish was draining on me because every time the same person treated me badly I would think of everything in my life that would change if they could be different.
But that’s not fair.
You have to love and accept people for who they are.
This isn’t to say you should accept every bad and hurtful thing people do, but wishing them to change or wishing the circumstances to be different won’t get you anywhere.
People are selfish, mean, angry, rude, judgmental and about every other bad word there is.
They’re also beautiful, loving, forgiving, open, humble, giving, amazing beings who get knocked down a lot.
Human relationship won’t fulfill us. It won’t complete us. It will overjoy us, infuriate us, destroy us, build us up and show us ourselves.
The truth being we have to love people for who they are because that is how God loves us. If we look to people for the kind of love God gives us, they will fail us every single time.
And without the radical, illogical, crazy love that God gives us, I could never begin to try and love people for who they are.
You need to love them when they hurt you, when they're hurting, when its really hard. You have to try.
You have to try and love them for who they are for your own sake. I'm going to stop wishing people be different, instead I'm going to try as hard as I can to respond with love, no matter who they are.