I am very much someone who likes to maintain control of every aspect of my life. When it comes to pretty much everything --family, friends, relationships, school, etc. I feel most at ease when I have some hold on any situation, and when life used to throw me curve balls I always felt at a loss about what to do next. For the last couple of years especially, life has thrown me a lot of curve balls. Not all of them have been of good, of course, but here are a few highlights that have made me love controlling everything a little less, and more open to the surprises life can throw my way.
Probably the biggest surprise in my life, the shining example of the unexpected, is my current relationship. My own experiences, those of my friends, and the advice of family had convinced me to put love on the backburner while I adjusted to college. So for a while, I did, never really taking anything or anyone seriously in that way. However, at the end of my first ever semester in college, right when I was gearing up for my finals, I met him. He didn't seem like he could ever be my boyfriend when we met, but after getting to know each other as friends first, we came to the point we are now, that point where it just seems like being anything other than together feels weird. So, along with passing all my classes, I found someone who now feels irreplaceable in my life, and I'm still thankful to this day (for both).
Speaking of classes, where I ended up choosing to go for college was another twist of fate in my life. Since I was a sophomore in high school, I had my dream college. This college, like pretty much every college in the US, was expensive and also highly selective. U of I was the first school I heard back from, but I waited out my decision until I heard back from everywhere I had applied to. I did actually end up getting into that dream school, but by then I was already comfortable and kind of excited with the idea of coming to U of I. Honestly, I've never looked back at my decision since because U of I has given me so many opportunities and if I never came here, I never would've met some of my closest friends.
That was the perfect transition, and my friends, especially from college, have been nothing less than wonderful. In high school, my friends were people I had known for years, some since middle school. On top of that, the sheer amount of people on campus was intimidating. I felt completely unprepared, but by small, chance incidents, I met people who have now become some of my best friends, who I can talk to about anything and know I can rely on whenever I need them. These are people who I don't just see myself hanging out with for the next two or three years, but for a long time down the line
Life has thrown me a lot of curve balls; in fact, one of them led to me writing this article. I used to get so frustrated and upset when situations didn't pan out the way I planned or hoped they would go. However, I've come to a point where I can look back and see all the good that has come into my life as a result. This kind of philosophy is what's let me have a much more relaxed grasp on the situations that continue to be thrown my way. While I still love some control over where my life is headed, I now know that sometimes it's nice to just let go, and see where life will take you next.