In Loving Memory of Sarah Wood | The Odyssey Online
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In Loving Memory of Sarah Wood

we will miss you

In Loving Memory of Sarah Wood

"Thanks for always telling me your crazy weekend stories and having such a beautiful soul. I can't wait to see the art you make in the sky."

-Victoria Distler

"I was once blessed enough to call you a good friend. And despite the demons you thought, you were such a beautiful, talented, and intelligent soul. You will be missed by many, Sweetheart."

-Maggie Stoots

"I honestly don't know how I would have survived junior year without you. Your sarcasm and art brought a light to the classroom which was so uplifting. Fly high, Baby Girl."

-Katelyn Jensen

"So many things I wish I could say to you right now. You always had my back on and off the field. You never failed to put a smile on my face. Rest easy, Darling.

-Brittany Marie Delp

"You'll always be my best friend, and I'll always love your beautiful soul."

-Lane Landis

"You were my very first friend at UD. I'm going to miss our deep and meaningful conversations and the way we would dance through the dorm with antlers on. Thank you for being such an amazing best friend. Until we meet again, ya silly kid."

-Cassidy Mouser

"Never have I met someone who was so lovable, open minded, and hilarious as you were. You will always be in my thoughts."

-Kyle Steele

"Rest Easy Sarah! Watch above all of us and our class! You will be missed."

-Carley Snyder

"You were a good human; thank you for touching my life with your presence."

-Emma Engel

"I'll always remember our conversations in elementary school, our times in graphic class, and everything in between. Rest in peace, Sarah."

-Jack Roehl

"The world has changed because of you. Rest in peace."

-Katie Whaley

"You were a leader of your own path. Independent caring, and thoughtful. You never cared for what anyone thought of you and you were such a lovely person. You will be missed."

-Alexis Stone

"My favorite and maybe clearest memory of Sarah is the day she came to school with a sunflower and gave it to me. She complimented a shirt I love that has sunflowers all over it, saying it was "very you" and a few days later, she appears in front of me with a sunflower for no apparent reason. I will miss you."

-Kassie Bird

"I miss you so much, Sarah. Rest easy."

-Makayla Hartman

"I took some time to scroll through Sarah's Google Docs drive today and was reminded of how incredibly gifted she was. She has a passion for learning and never backed down from a good argument. It is my wish that all of my students grow to live happy lives surrounded by the love of good people. But life has a way of taking unexplainable detours. Be strong, my friends."

-Michelle Peeling

"Your laughter still echoes in my head and your memory still walks beneath the sky, so when I think of you, still, I have joy. When in a bed of flowers, under the same stars I lie. I will miss you."

-Lydia Nitz

"We are saddened to lose Sarah. It hurts deeply to realize we will only have her photos, writing and a mountain of Chicas United Soccer photos to remember her."

-Natalia Elling

"To my first friend in the 302: Rest easy, Sarah."

-Taylor Wayland

"I can't believe what I just heard. Rip Sarah. I will always remember soccer with you and how you always had my back. You will forever be missed."

-Haley Cathell

"Losing a member of our graduating class is terrible and so sad. Rest in peace, Sarah."

-Katelyn Kneller

"Played on the same field and disagreed on everything all the time. I can't believe it. Rest in peace, Sarah. You were one of a kind."

-Ayleen Rodriguez

"Just found out about Sarah. We argued incessantly, but she was one of the most passionate people I knew. rip."

-Cameron Goff

"Nobody's life should have to come to an end so soon. Rest in peace, Sarah."

-Madison Lively

Rest in peace, Sarah. We will miss you.

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