In Mark 10:17-31, a man runs up to Jesus desperately seeking an answer to this question: "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" In reply, Jesus simply instructs him to turn to the commandments of the Old Testament. But this man is not satisfied, having kept the law since his youth and knowing in his heart that there's more to it.
In verse 21, it says:
"And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and spoke..."
Jesus goes on to tell the man to sell his possessions, giving over his everything as a sacrifice to the Lord. This alone is a powerful message. But what I want to focus in on isn't what Jesus said, but how he said it.
I go to a school that prides itself on being ‘politically incorrect’ - and so it should. Our society today is far too concerned with people's emotions, hindering many from speaking truth into others' lives.
Sometimes, however, the politically incorrect thing can go a bit too far.
The Bible offers us truth - plain and simple. And Christians, we have access to that truth of God’s Word and it's our responsibility to meditate on it day and night. We must internalize it, drawing it close to our heart. This is our treasure to store up; our wisdom to help get us through this life.
We possess the truth and it’s our responsibility to proclaim it to the world.
But how often do we stop and think about how we should do that?
We live in a messed up world. Biblical standards are not the standards by which our society is living. Abortion, homosexuality, and other promiscuities are praised. This is not how the Lord called us to live.
So how do we go about spreading light in a world that so desperately needs it?
We do as Jesus did - we look, we love, and we speak.
We must first look at the situation for what it truly is. Ask God to open up your eyes to see as He does. Don't let your emotions get in the way of the very real person that's sitting in front of you. Don't simply see the problem - see the humanity behind it, and the creation of God that's crying out for His love.
Next, we must love. Just genuinely love. And I don't mean love in the way of "loving the sinner, and hating the sin." Love that person right where they're at, sin and all. If you find that hard, ask God for the strength to help you do it. He will provide.
Finally, fearlessly speak the truth. Jesus knew the man would be saddened by the news that he would have a hard time entering the kingdom. This ached Jesus's heart, yet he spoke it anyway, knowing that it had to be said. To live knowing the truth, yet not being able to speak it in love, is hypocrisy. Faith without works is dead. We must act on and share the truth that we've stored up inside of us, unafraid of who we might offend.
In Mark, Jesus sets the example for us to follow. His response was relevant to the world we live in today. People aren’t just out there waiting to hear truth. They’re craving an interaction that’s genuine – someone to look at them, love them for all who they are, and then bring light into their lives. Let’s channel that authenticity into everything that we do. Then, who knows what we could accomplish?