7 Reasons Loving Chocolate Is As Good As Any Relationship | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons Loving Chocolate Is As Good As Any Relationship

Just like any relationship, chocolate can make a big impression.

7 Reasons Loving Chocolate Is As Good As Any Relationship
Yoori Koo

Like a lot of you folks out there, I love chocolate. I could have sea salt chocolate caramels everyday for the rest of my life. Heck, I'd even take Dove chocolate and it'd never get old. Just like your significant other, chocolate can be just as special. So with Valentine's Day around the corner, here's 7 reasons why loving chocolate is just like a romantic relationship.

1. First Impression

Just like the first time you lay your eyes on that hot girl or guy, the first time seeing that new chocolate bar is just as exciting. Your heart starts to race and you can't look away. You turn the corner onto aisle three after reading off the list of items you need for the week, and boom! There they are. Rows upon rows of chocolate for the picking.

2. First Date

You scanned the rows of chocolate and found the perfect one to try. You hurry to the cash register to buy it and, just like a first date, you're excited, anxious, nervous, and want to fist pump the world! You aren't sure if this new relationship... I mean chocolate, will work... or taste good, but you have high hopes.

3. Dating

That first bite went so well that you're seeing (in your case, eating) the chocolate regularly now. Every week you practically skip to aisle three to stock up on your chocolate. It's all new and exciting, you can't believe your luck and how well it's working out!

4. Introductions

Now that you can barely contain your excitement, all your family and friends must know about this new chocolate you've been seeing... er... eating! They must be introduced to this new and exciting thing in your life! As you see the smiles on your loved ones' faces, you can't believe how you've lived your life this long without this amazing, dark concoction in your life. You're proud to show off your new treat and really hope your family and friends adore it as much as you do.

5. Doubts

Some time has gone by and you start noticing the extra pounds you've put on. Your jeans aren't sliding on the way they used to and that zipper just won't come up. You start to panic, thinking there's no way chocolate could possibly be bad for you. But, you notice the chocolate isn't as sweet as it used to be and you aren't looking forward to your weekly aisle three rendezvous. In fact, your clothes aren't fitting and your energy has been tapped out. What's changed? Has this sweet chocolate always made you feel like this, but you were blinded by the new flavor? How can you get that wonderful feeling back?

6. Breakup

And just like that, it's over. You avoid aisle three like the plague so you don't have to look at it and remember. Remember the sweet flavor and the way it used to make you feel. The happy moments of hearing that wrapper crinkle and the first moment the chocolate landed on your tongue. How could it have gone wrong so fast? You start avoiding calls from friends and family because you don't feel like having that conversation yet.

7. Make-Up

Some more time passes and you're feeling a litter better, but life just isn't the same without that chocolate. You're coming up on aisle three and think to yourself, "maybe it won't be too bad to check up on it and see how it's doing". You want to show it you can be happy that other people are buying the chocolate, while secretly hoping no one is there more than you. You turn the corner and then you see it: the chocolate that once meant so much to you.

You start to remember all the happy moments like the time you sat on the couch and you watched "The Bachelor" together. Or that one time you had such a bad day at work and came home to the chocolate waiting for you to be unwrapped. Suddenly you can't remember all the reasons why the chocolate was bad for you and the next thing you know, you're on your couch surrounded by wrappers feeling so satisfied, you know you'll never be able to part with chocolate ever again.

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