Usually you can tell what kind of a person someone is by looking at their writing. One of my favorite things to do, is write. Why do i enjoy writing? I enjoy writing because I get to express my inner thoughts and feelings. I like to organize my life into stories, it’s freeing in a way. Writing makes me feel good, that’s the only way to explain it. I am a person who likes challenges and when i'm given a challenge, I do my absolute best to achieve that goal as much as I can. Many people can write, but not everyone can spark an imagination and tell stories using simple words. To me, writing is a gift.
One of the two quotes that can very easily explain why I enjoy writing are, "write hard and clear about what hurts" said by Ernest Hemingway. Writing about what you and others feel, good or bad is important. Not only is writing a gift, it's also an escape. Even if you don't have an interest in being journalist like me or if you don't think you can write, it's still freeing and an escape from reality if you want it to be.
I want to be a journalist because I get to tell my stories, I am able to be a good influence, among the many bad ones. I can take out my stress or my happiness through my writing, which will help someone having the same problems as me. I get the opportunity to do something I love so much. Telling stories that one day may change the world, or even give a bit of motivation to someone motivates me to accomplish this goal of mine.
Another quote is by Dolly Parton who once said,“I write for myself things that I’ve gone through." I couldn't agree with this more. Writing about things I go through are a way to get me through them as well. I have so many journals and "diaries" that I spill my thoughts into. I write for others because they can learn from what I have gone through and I want to help others find their way along scary paths, and I write for myself too. My experiences in life are some of my biggest inspirations in writing.
If you enjoy writing or want to start, I recommend it 100 percent. There's so many good reasons and benefits to it. Try and hopefully it will change you life, like it did mine. If you do like to write, ask yourself why? It's important and crucial to know this answer because if you want to be a journalist like me and if you want a career related to writing you know that not everyone will support you and not everyone will think that you'll make money or you're making the right choices for your future and all that stuff you don't care about and this is when you'll feel alone and this is when you remind yourself why you want to do it.
Student LifeJun 13, 2017
Writing Is The Best Hobby
Many people can write, but not everyone can spark an imagination and tell stories using simple words.