What is love?
A word that holds no real power
Yet leaves a path of destruction in its wake
A phrase tacked on easily
Losing any creditability
An idea that can't be properly defined
Right in front of you, but you can't put your finger on what lies beneath that practiced smile
Like a women with a past
A cheap candy heart you buy to put your worth into another's life
A fictitious character that you fall so hard for, but is simply as imaginary as a formal definition
Is it real?
Is it there?
Or is it fake?
What is love?
An unkept promise with a cruel twist of fate
The bitter sweet ending of life because if it's all you need, why isn't it enough?
A paper cut on the hand of humanity, it hurts and it stings
And quiet frankly
It is annoying
Does it have purpose?
Is it useful?
Can it hold you?
What is love?
The honest "four letter word" for all of those it has deemed unworthy
The very reason hate exists to counteract
The truth to all despair, depression, guilt, pain
The hypothetical meaning of life
And to those without it gave no true meaning
How can you get it?
Is there enough?
What is love?
Because it's all an illusion
And like any magician can tell you
Illusions are tricks
But part of being humans is trying so hard to believe
What is love?
Love is not real
It can't be proven
And to some it can never be felt
Whatever it once was has been cheapened through repetition
Spread so thin it's comfort no longer provides beneficial warmth
Don't fret
It is easy to be fooled
And beautiful to trust
But like anything it must end
Love is...